Pain Left lower abdomen 1 week postop
I had a lower abdominal pain on one side last weekend (6 weeks post-op). It got to the point I couldn't get comfortable standing, sitting or lying in any position and then I got nausea with dry heaves. I ended up going to the ER and a CT scan showed I had a kidney stone (likely due to the high protein diet and dehydration). I am being more careful about drinking my water now to keep my kidneys happy.

On week two I had horrible lower left side pain. It was so sever that I couldn't get out of bed and made my hubby come home from work to take care of me!!
I immediately called my nurse and she explained that maybe one of the internal stitches had popped and was sitting on a nerve? She told me it would pass, which it did within a couple of days.
I am not implying that this is your situation, but this seemed to be mine!
Call your surgeon if you feel it necessary.. Best Wishes!!!