Need help or advice about feeling bad after eating and craving carbs.
hey everyone I am one year post op. I am having some complications. I was doing really good for awhile
then the last few months I been having some problems. I am dizzy to the point that I almost pass out
when I stand up and just feel sick after I eat, Its not that my stomach hurts and I want to throw up
because I ate something that didn't agree with my pouch its more like shaky and low energy and fatigue
foggy headed. I am craving carbs like crazy and am extremely hungry all the time. When I eat carbs
sometimes I feel better and get a small boost of energy but then after I do something like clean my
house I lose my energy after a short time and have to rest. I have put on weight and stop losing
because I am eating carbs and a lot more calories than I should but I feel like I cant control the eating.
Its like I have to eat or I get moody and shaky and sweat uncontrollably. I did look up symptoms and It
seams to be diabetes or hypoglycemia but how could I have gotten it after the surgery. I do have an
upcoming appointment with my doctor and I will talk to her about it but wanted to see if anyone here
has any advice or Ideas of whats happening to me. Thanks for any help.
so sorry to hear your not feeling so well ,. only thing I can say is you could be taking drops in sugar you don't have to be a diabetic for that to happen , as far as carbs go , carbs once you eat them do cause you to crave more , so its a catch 22 you have them and want more , the hunger could be head hunger , if you wait 30 mins after the feeling and you still feel that way maybe its you really being hungry , but protein protein protein I cant stress enough will also help curve that hunger , you could take a step back , write down whats your eating , drinking and if your getting your vitiamins in all these are very important to maintain for your weight loss , I hope you feel better soon and try to get back on track if your slipping off so you don't feel so drained , best of luck to you
I will admit that I have slacked at taking my vitamins. I am getting enough water and protein I just don't know if I should cut out all carbs except for my yogurt, cheese and veggies and see if that helps or to cut out all carbs and just eat meat. as of lately I have been eating a 4oz turky burger that I make myself from ground turkey a 1 oz piece of cheese and a serving of broccoli which is about 87 grams both for dinner and lunch. I have an afternoon snack of 4oz cottage cheese with some sugar free jam. and a yogurt around 7 pm.
Some people develop Reactive Hypoglycemia after surgery. If you do a search on the website (the little magnifying glass up on the right) I am sure you can find information. From what I understand from other posters they have to be very careful about what they eat and eat every 3 hours.
Cynthia 5'11" RNY 7/23/2014
Goal reached 17 months. 220lb Weight Loss
Plastic Surgery Dr. Joseph Michaels - LBL and Hernia Repair 2/29/16, Arm Lift, BL, 5/2/16, Leg Lift 7/25/16
#lifeisanadventure #fightthegoodfight #noregrets
Pita is bread, and therefore a carb.
Ontario Recipes Forum -
Use a caulflower crust recipe instead of bread.
Here is what I do. I roast the caulflower after mixing with a bit of olive oil. Bake it until starting to turn golden brown (i.e. about 40 minutes at 425).
Then sma**** in your blender till pastey/pureed.
Then add one egg and one hand full of shredded mozzerlla for EACH head of cauliflwoer used (2 eggs, 2 handfuls of cheese for 2 heads caulflower). Mix well.
Then spread this mixtures onto a baking sheet lined with PARCHMENT PAPER. This helps it crisp up. Make as thick or as thin as you want.
Bake at 350 until desired "doneness" (me..i like a thicker "crust" with some crisp to I do 350 for 10 minutes and then start checking it every 5 minutes thereafter).
Take out of ven and let cool.
Cut into "bread slices"
This has some density but is not as strong as bread. You will need a plate to "support" your sandwich. But it does the job

RNY Surgery: 12/31/2013;
Current weight (2/27/2015) 139lbs, ~14% body fat
Three pounds below Goal!!! Yay !
It really sounds like RH. I had all the same symptoms about a year out from surgery. I have to eat every three hours and not stand up too quickly. Most of the symptoms have subsided, however. I am 28 months out now and I really don't get dizzy very often at all and I don't get an angry pouch, but I've learned to avoid this by eating every three hours. You need to stick to your plan and eat protein forward. You still have time to lose more weight and if you start eating a lot of carbs now, it will quickly get out of control. Please go back to your plan and talk to your doctor about RH. It's manageable.
hey everyone thanks for all the suggestions. I put in a call to my weight center and told them whats going on and they said the nurse will call me back so I am waiting for that and see what she says.
@SkinnyScientist @mornings I Don't eat my turkey burger with bread I eat it plain dipped in mustard also for some reason I cant eat cauliflower It gives me the slimes. I don't eat bread for carbs I eat oatmeal or cream of wheat and popcorn sometimes... I crave popcorn like crazy lol. I did order a blood glucose monitor after the symptoms started and when I get the shaky sweaty feeling I check my sugar and its usually 56 or under. I know that is really low so I eat some raisins to increase my blood sugar. I learned that from a hypoglycemia website. when my sugar gets that low I am sick all day and its hard to even it out, I guess I don't know what to do when It happens I will talk to the nurse and see what she says I may need to go to an endocrinologist.