Fed up!! All I want to do is eat!!
Well I think I’m going to the ER tomorrow. I’ll rehash my story again. I am almost 7 weeks out from my RnY surgery and I still cannot have any meat proteins. I have been trying to upgrade to a soft diet for 2+ weeks now; but every time I try I have thrown it up whether it’s chicken beef pork or any type of fish or seafood. I’ve lost 45lbs ( from 262lbs) since the Optifast phase so I feel like I’m losing weight too fast because I’m not progressing much. I’m also taking way too long to eat. 2-3 oz of food it takes me an hour. I can eat the soft boiled veggies but not any type of meat. So know I have been eating safe foods from the pureed stage in order not to throw up and then I try to advance again bout every 2-3 days but end up throwing up again. It’s like I can’t progress beyond pureed. It makes me sad and I I don’t feel like I’m enjoying my weight loss experience. I have spoken with my nurse and she may think I have a partial stricture being that I can still drink protein shakes water and other stuff ei. Yogurt. The appointments for a scopes are all booked up till June so she said it would be best to go though the ER to get an emergency scope done.
Good luck with this. I hope they find whatever it is that is keeping you from progressing. Let us know how the ER trip goes!

137 pounds lost - from a 24/26W to a size 8/10!
Hi! I'm about 6 weeks out from RNY and I had an endoscopy done last Friday and they found I had a pretty bad stricture. I was at the point where I couldn't get anything down-even water or vitamins. Before that, I had trouble with vegetables, eggs, and any kind of meat. I just wanted to be able to eat healthy things and wound up throwing everything up. It was horrible and I was so miserable. After they fixed the stricture I am able to eat all of the healthy foods I want to, no more throwing up, no more burping or reflux. Now I am really enjoying the weight loss experience and feel healthy. Just wanted to give you some hope that if they do find a stricture things will get so much better and you'll finally feel normal again!
i had a lot of what you are describing. By 8 weeks I had a horrible stricture. The only thing I could eat and keep down was pureed/super softs and yogurt. I had to have 3 scopes and dilations. By the 2nd one i knew what the feeling was and was able to get in right away with my surgeon, but the first one I suffered for weeks. To this day (1 yr later) I have difficulty eating certain yogurts cause thats what I lived off from for weeks!! Please take care of yourself!!
So this is what's happening. I've been in the ER all day and the specialist comes to me and says if we knew about it earlier you could have been done today but the close at 4 and don't open up till 8am. That doesn't even mean that I can get scoped tomorrow and they are closed the weekend so maybe Monday he says. I'm like what!? I'm not going to stay the weekend. I'm going to take my chances and book an appointment in June. Maybe they have a cancellation list. I can still drink protein shakes and eat most pureed stuff minus the meats. I'll wait it out till my appointment. Even though I have been in an ER many times in the past the waiting around is always frustrating. I'm still here waiting to be discharged.
Please please stick it out til they can do the scope right away....
If you have something going on its dangerous to keep putting it off. I had my RNY done as a self pay so when I was vomiting after surgery I was hesitant to spend the money to go back in and be seen. I waited so long that the vomiting from the stricture I had got so bad that my intestine twisted from the spasming and my whole abdomen was so distended the admitted me straight from the surgeons office without even sending me through the ER. By the time they could get me into surgery three hours later I still almost didn't make it. I let what should have been a fairly routine bump in the road nearly cost me my life. All because I could still sort of function as things were. I can't tell you how much I learned to regret that as I had to start the surgical healing process all over and certainly when I got the forty thousand dollar surgery bill because my ins wouldn't cover a complication of my RNY. A couple of lost days are frustrating but a small price to pay for not going through something like that. Your health is precious and this is s big investment into you even if your ins helped or even covered it all. You are worth putting yourself first.
Good luck to you and keep us updated!