Gained almost ALL the weight back, RNY 2010

on 4/30/15 8:33 am

I want to re-read The Beck Diet Solution. One statement she makes is "Hunger is not an emergency."

And to that I say, "Oh yeah? Well it IS for ME!!!!"

Seriously, I still get anxious when I get hungry!!!!

on 4/30/15 9:52 am, edited 4/30/15 9:54 am

Thank you SO much for your replies, especially you, Rocky. I am going to try and start over. I am looking at Unjury powders right now. When I first had my RNY I could not tolerate ANY protein drinks, they all gave me upset stomach and diarrhea. I tried every form of protein and really made sure that i took my vitamins and kept to the correct types of protein. I always waited to drin****il after 30 minutes of my meals-even with my months of weight gaining. One problem came at the pain management office, when they put me on methadone, not for addiction mind you, but as a pain management tool replacing a lot of hard core meds that didnt work-like the patches that would slide off because i would sweat when my blood sugars went out of whack. So methadone dries out my mouth so badly that i drink nearly 2 gallons of water a day (good) but made it hard to swallow my food (bad-along with the MS which made it hard to swallow) in order not to choke, i had to take little sips of water with my food. Methadone also made me lose several teeth, which made it hard to chew. I must stress this to anyone whois in pain management and getting this procedure-IT WILL BE HARD TO CONTROL YOUR PAIN! It was not acknowledged by my RNY doc and my RNY was not familiar to my pain management doc. I would swallow a pill and it would work briefly and then nothing. I was in constant pain. I had to have another back surgery AND a hernia repair (resulting from the RNY) and no one would or could control my pain from the nerve damage from the first back surgery. So I was in a world of **** to be honest. I have needed iron infusions and blood transfusions because i am constantly anemic regardless of all the different vitamins.  This has been hell. Now i am fat again, depressed, none of my clothes fit. I am in so much pain and under medicated its hard to move, but I am gonna try. Thank you so much everyone for being so supportive. This is a cautionary tale for sure. And embarrassing as hell. Everyone knows the MS meds were a big part of this sudden large weight gain-but still i dont want to leave the house! I realize now from your comments, that one mistake has been watermelon-I had become obsessed with it since i got put on methadone. It keeps my mouth moist, but now i think i may have unwittingly been putting pounds on with it. Who would have thought??? I said people go on watermelon diets to lose weight! i am eating 1500 calories a day and i cant lose an ounce!! So another cautionary tale, I guess watermelon (or methadone) may have been part of my undoing. SMH

a Thousand thank yous to all. I will now go fill my order for unjury. 

Oh and I forgot to mention I am scheduled for a upper endoscopy to check my pouch and stoma to see if it has stretched. This is gross but I was having trouble with constipation regardless of my water intake, and it would be hard to go because my BM would be so uh, ummm wide

I thought all the food must be going through all at once because of a large stoma. God the GI doc was so rude to me. But i wouldnt go back to Aranow because i was enraged he wouldnt refill my pain medication a week after my hernia repair. I was so weak, Hurricane Sandy was coming, I was terrified and in agony-he had put 7 incisions around my belly to fix the hernia and i think left adhesions that hurt to this day. And by the way, the hernia has returned. OK, enough BOO HOOing

Love to all

on 4/30/15 1:06 pm - WI

Watch the protein powder to make sure it is Whey Isolate.  Your upset stomach and diarrhea with shakes was likely from a lactose intolerance.  Whey Isolate is 99% lactose-free and easier for RNY patients to absorb.  If the protein contains whey concentrate, it has lactose in it.  Skip the dairy milk and mix it with water, almond milk, soy milk, or cashew milk.  I'm lactose intolerant and it took me three months before I figured out why I was so sick.  When I cut out the lactose, I felt better immediately.  I can eat Greek yogurt and cheese, but milk sends me running for the bathroom. 

For your BM problem, try adding 500 to 1000 mg of Magnesium and a dose of Benefiber twice, daily.  I drink 120 ounces of fluid every day just to stay regular.

I have to get iron infusions every few years.  That's pretty common for RNY folks.  Some of us simply don't absorb iron.  I take double doses of Carbonyl Iron so my numbers don't drop so fast.  Carbonyl Iron will not constipate you like other iron supplements can.

I'm the queen of adhesions.  I have had three bowel obstructions from intestines wrapping themselves up in my adhesions.  I have had two hernia repairs also.

Even with all the problems, RNY saved my life.  I'm glad you're climbing back on the wagon.  Keep coming here with questions. We want you to succeed!

HW 270 SW 236 GW 160 CW 145 (15 pounds below goal!)

VBG Aug. 7, 1986, Revised to RNY Nov. 18, 2010

on 4/30/15 1:59 pm


Bless you for all of your posts. I learn so much from you. Have a great evening.


on 4/30/15 6:13 pm

Isn't it wonderful that it  saved your life!

I will always need the IV iron. It too is a lifesaver. 

on 4/30/15 11:01 pm

 Bless you darling-you are such a good soul. I cant believe i waited so long to discover this level of support!

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