I had my pre op tests today
I just got home from the hospital for my pre op tests. I'm getting down to the wire. My surgery is May 4th. I am scared and excited. I think I am more scared of what is going to be after. Will I be able to control my head hunger. I live in an environment where food is all over the place. My wife loves to cook and entertain via food. I am afraid I will not be able to lose weight. I went through hell getting to this point. I am not going to let myself mess up. But, I am concerned because I tend to have a real problem losing weight no matter what I try. That is what got me here. I will do it with g-d's help.
You are going to be fine. I think if you already know the battles you are going to wage, that you are ahead of the game. I knew that I will likely fight my love of food the rest of my life, but I have a love for life too. I knew that if I didn't do my "last resort" that I may have loved the food to the end, but would lose the life. To me, the choice is clear. Head hunger is a challenge. That's probably why many of us got here, but we are intelligent, thinking beings and can also choose to fight those thoughts, right? That's why I plan to keep using this forum (I just had my surgery on 4/9/15) and I'm planning to go to the monthly meetings at my hospital. I know I'm going to need the support through this. I'm pretty independent, but one of the things I am learning quickly is to trust and rely on people. I've asked for help for one of the first times in my life and I'm finding that everyone is very happy to help me with pretty much anything I ask. I am already 28lbs down from my pre-op liquid diet. Listen to you body, follow the rules closely, and take care of yourself. You will be successful. And...don't delay asking for support when you need it. Good luck!
Excited for you! I can say so far the head hunger is not bothering me yet. I am just weeks out. My problem is I am bored with everything and not really being hunger makes it hard to decide what to eat. I am sure as time passes I will have other things entice me. The good thing I try to keep in mind is Protein first. It don't take much to fill me up, so with doing protein first I don't have room for anything but the protein. I have not had any issues with getting sick or having the dumping issues. I am very careful to eat only what I am allowed and make sure that when I fill I am starting to get full....I stop! I don't want to get sick!
My husband loves food, and he does not have a weight problem. So far what he eats does not bother me. wishing the best for you. Just remember it is a mind set we have to put ourselves into!
For the first few months, the behavior compliance is very dictated by what is allowed and what you can handle. I found that made it easier to resist foods not on the bariatric program! But now, nearly five months out, it takes more willpower when it comes to old food habits. The restriction makes it tough to overdue it at one time, but grazing is real and making poor choices is real. The difference is this: You will lose weight and that helps to stay in compliance! You can do this! It isn't always easy, but it's certainly easier than life before! Best wishes and good luck to you!
Thanks all for your positive reinforcement it is great to have you guys. I know with all your help and perseverance I will do it.
I'm new too, just 17 days out from surgery. I was so worried about my husbands love of cooking and wondered how I would handle everything. My husband isn't a big "talk about his feelings" person but he is and has always been thin. He had no idea what's in my head. we sat down and I told him about my fears around head hunger right before surgery. Making him aware was helpful, for both of us. So maybe try talking to your wife.
Some people are revolted by the smell and sight of food post surgery but everything smells good to me, and I'm glad! But there were a few times, especially when I was still on a liquid diet, that is thought I was feeling hunger as a result (it was more than likely head hunger). But the longing was and is a real feeling. When I feel this I use one of my pre-fab strategies to distract myself. Drink water, come online to oh.com, leave the room, go for a stroll, etc. I realize I'm not really hungry. The food in question may smell good but nothing will smell or taste better than victory: being a normal size.
None of these strategies are unique. I got them all from the veterans of this site and from books I've read. But just look to those successful examples, be inspired and be strong. We both have a long way to go, but we can do it.

137 pounds lost - from a 24/26W to a size 8/10!