Do u ever introduce pasta back into your diet?
on 4/21/15 8:47 am - WI
Pasta is a lot of carbs and calories for very little nutritional value. For many it is also a trigger food. For others, it sits like lead in the pouch and makes them sick. For all these reasons, I have not introduced pasta back into my diet. It's just not worth it to me. I use a veggie cutter that cuts zucchini into "pasta" strings. Just stick them in the microwave and cover them with your favorite meat sauce. YUMMM!
i agree with above. I haven't even tried rice but I did do ritz crackers in the beginning to help w my nausea. My NUT was on board but told me to be careful. Eventually you may want to try somethings but when I had a 1/2 slice of bread with an egg probably about 3-4 months out, I felt so terrible I never have tried it again.
I personally have not... overindulgence in simple white carbs was definitely a major factor in my obesity. I have chosen not to reintroduce them post-WLS but many people do and can do so within moderation. I think you have to look at what your go-to foods were... I could easily eat a bread basket, a huge bowl of pasta (restaurant servings are usually for 4) those were my things... I'm Italian. Now candy, cheesecake, chocolate, brownies, desserts, etc. weren't... I literally had candy from Halloween I'd throw away at Easter. You know what your thing was. I'd just suggest not underestimating the pull those will still have, WLS operates on our guts not our heads... moderation when it's 1 or 2 bites that fill you sounds good but sooner than you think... 1 or 2 bites will not fill you and you may see too much of those creep back into your world... and if you haven't really done a lot of work on the head stuff, the why's, the emotional component of WLS when/if life throws you a curve ball you may find yourself knee deep in fettuccine ;) Just 1 post-ops 2 cents.
Lots of ways to still mangia without pasta too... ce-healthy-italian-food-pinterest.html
~Michelle "Shelly"
I was at a pizza place with my daughter yesterday. I am only 7 weeks out so ordering off the menu was hard. I decided to order meat balls....and could only think about eating the pasta. Will I ever be able to have the pasta again or is officially a no no forever?
I only eat pasta if I want to gain weight,cause it totally does that to me.mso no,it is pretty much not on my plan,ever..
At this point, I'm looking forward to enjoying a nice meat-ah-ball-ah!
I'm even new than you, and here's my thinking: I'm planning to white knuckle this ride - no pasta, no bread, no starchy anything - all the way to my healthy weight. I learned in my 3 month pre-op period that my body is seriously addicted to these foods and having even a tiny amount causes crazy cravings. So these are out of my life for now, at least until I've learned to maintain a healthy weight.
I'm Italian American. Pasta and bread were like major food groups to me. I do expect to have them again at some point, but in restricted amounts, but who knows - by the time I get to a healthy weight I may decide its just not worth it. All I know is, I don't plan to test myself for a good long time.

137 pounds lost - from a 24/26W to a size 8/10!