9 Years out..where do I begin/ again?
Hey yall, this post may sound so silly to most but I'm struggling. I need to get (back on track) I've got at least 50lbs + I need to lose. I almost bought diet pills AGAIN yesterday, but I didn't! I know I still have a tool "even though its been 9yrs" I just have to start using my tool again. Any help, encouragement, advise is appreciated. I've looked through groups...but any suggestions would be great. Thanks!!
I am only 17 days from surgery so I feel ridiculous offering input... But I think you've made the first huge step in returning to OH. Good for you!
I have seen mention of a group here on OH called, Back on Track - look for it. It sounds like exactly what you're looking for.
Good luck!

137 pounds lost - from a 24/26W to a size 8/10!
on 4/23/15 12:40 am - WI
The first thing you have to do is detox from any simple carbs ( bread, pasta, crackers, sugar, potatoes, rice, etc.) It will be white knuckle for a week or so but, once you get past the worst, you will stop craving them. Simple carbs go down too easy and we can eat A LOT of them. Your focus needs to be dense protein ( like chicken breast, steak, etc) and veggies which will satisfy you more. Limit your fruit to one serving per day (remember that serving is 1/2 an apple or banana, 4 strawberries). NO STARCHY CARBS UNTIL YOU REACH GOAL!
Start measuring portion sizes out. We obese people have a skewed view on what a proper portion looks like. It's easy to let the portion sizes creep up on us. Eat very small meals ( 200 to 300 calories each) 6 times a day. That means you will eat a little something every 3 to 4 hours. ANYONE can wait 3 hours until they eat again. If you feel hungry between meals IGNORE IT. Hunger is not an emergency. Just because you feel hungry, doesn't mean you have to eat. You won't starve if you wait until the next meal time. Don't eat until you feel full. Many of us use that "full feeling" as an emotional crutch. Eat only until you are satisfied. That means you have to eat slowly and mindfully.
If you are drinking with your meals STOP!!!! Drinking with meals allows us to eat more food. Wait at least 30 minutes, after you eat, before drinking. The common denominator in weight re-gain is drinking with meals. That rule is a lifetime commitment.
Drink at least 64 ounces of fluids daily. That is the MINIMUM requirement. I have to drink 120 ounces to feel good. Everyone is different and you need to find that balance for yourself.
Take your vitamins. This is NOT an option. Your health depends on it.
Your tool is still there, but you have to use it the way it was designed to work. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!
Get into a support group or find a therapist if you are struggling. Coming to this site helps keep you stay focused on what you need to do.
Rocky Thank you for posting this I am just 6 weeks out but I have a nephew who is several years out from losing over 200 lbs and he is gaining weight back. I know he wants to get back to losing it again. I copied your post and sent it to him. I am trying to help him get his focus back on what he needs to be doing!!! This post really helps!
First, I want to commend you for keeping most of your weight off for 9 years. I think it's important that we focus on the positive and not just look at the negative. I'm sure with all your diets in the past, you were never able to keep the majority of your weight loss off.
Saying that, I totally relate to being freaked out about a 50-pound gain. The advice you've received so far is wonderful. I also would suggest checking out OA (Overeaters Anonymous) if you haven't already. The meetings are free and focus on dealing with our life and emotions that cause us to overeat.
Good for you that you came on the site and looking for help. That's the first, and most important step. Since you're willing, I know you'll be successful. Keep us posted!