Drain out
I'm 6 days out now -tues I need to get drain out -but having a hard time finding a ride. Anybody drive themselves to appt?is it painful to have taken out. My pain level is still pretty high so really didn't want to drive. I would have to not take pain meds plus my dr is far from my home ....But I want it out! Any suggestions? Thank you
Getting the drain out is not painful. It feels weird -- but not bad.
Depends on whether or not you are on pain medicine. I could have driven at 6 days out - but you need to do the safe thing!!
The drain????odd. Was not comfortable did you both have same surgery? I can't get my husband involved at sll
He has had no part over me since morning of. He slept threw all dr and nurses instructions. Literally snored. And has since just been a constant reminder that this was my idea not his So very alone. My 3 sons have been wonderful ..
oh we'll good luck to
yoh both
I'm sorry to hear this. Do you have any other personal/moral support from friends or family? Hang in there and continue to get strong.

137 pounds lost - from a 24/26W to a size 8/10!
That is TERRIBLE that he isn't helping you at all. I'm so sorry.
I wasn't very clear with my response. I had the surgery, and my hubby took care of me. He took the drain out, as per the docs instructions. I have to say, I was COMPLETELY flabbergasted that he had us do that ourselves, but he did. I was still on oral pain meds, and my husband was very brave. Not sure I could have done it....but, he did, and it wasn't too bad.