What's on Your Wednesday Menu, RNYers?
Well, I WAS reading this deep book about France during WWII. BUT, I'm a teacher and there are 6 weeks of school left, which means I'm not really capable of deep right now. So last night I switched to Twilight, because I too, am a teenage girl, lol. And I needed some brain candy.
I always go into survival mode the last few weeks of school. Last week I started slacking off on my workouts, which is not good for my long-term survival. I'm wondering if I could admit that I'm not going to go lift weights, and say 30 min of cardio is enough for now. That would be better than nothing. Because now when I think about the 70-90 minutes a full workout takes, I just give up and lie on the couch. Sigh... Maybe my therapist will have some good advice this afternoon. Thank God for therapy!
B: sf pb cookie, leftover cheese pizza (I know, breakfast of champions)
L: ham and cheese on 1/2 low carb pita. I like the Joseph's with flax. 1/2 is only 30 calories.
D: ? If I eat at home, chicken and quinoa. If I can't manage to cook, maybe grilled nuggets from Chickfila.
S: premier ready to drink chocolate.
Good Morning! I also don't like my evenings packed, but we have a fundraiser at a pizza place tonight and open house tomorrow night this week which sounds boring compared to your evenings! I don't read much other than magazines.
Time since surgery: 8 months
B: SF Latte, egg beater scramble with cheese and spinach, and some fruit.
S: Cranberry and almond Thin addictives with a light laughing cow cheese wedge
L: P3 ham turkey pack and handful of trial mix
S: L&F Greek strawberry yogurt with a handful of granola and chia seeds
D: Gonna try a slice of gluten free pizza at the fundraiser
E: 1/2 hour stationary stepper and maybe a lunch walk
V/W: on Track
Totals: Cals: 964 Protein:67 Carbs:94 Fat:33
Have a great day!
OK, I've officially added Thinaddictives to my grocery list. What's your favorite flavor?

Cranberry Almond... Didn't care for the Banana...
Cynthia 5'11" RNY 7/23/2014
Goal reached 17 months. 220lb Weight Loss
Plastic Surgery Dr. Joseph Michaels - LBL and Hernia Repair 2/29/16, Arm Lift, BL, 5/2/16, Leg Lift 7/25/16
#lifeisanadventure #fightthegoodfight #noregrets
I am reading Destroyer Angel by Nevada Barr. It's part of a series about a *****y female Forest Services worker. Pretty good so far! Cloudy day here in Illinois today and Lily and I are getting ready to get our three miles in at the park. I will also do level three of 30 day shred and another two miles on the treadmill. Weight today at 120 and on track with fluids and vitamins. Here's the food plan: B 1/2 c steel cut oats with nuts and half a banana with peanut butter L 31/2 oz chicken/cheese and hummus with tomatoes D 31/2 oz rib eye with 1/2 c Brussels sprouts S Greek yogurt with granola(salted caramel). Have a great day everyone full of good choices!
Lol! I was just telling my husband last night that some days I forget to eat and barely get to 1000 calories and some days I can hardly stop myself from eating everything that's not nailed down. I'm not sure if it's a WLS thing or it's hormonal. . . maybe a male could chime in. My husband said that was completely crazy....could not relate at all. Also, I am doing so well during the day, but when the kids go to bed and I finally have time to myself, all I want to do is snack. I haven't gained any weight because I actually "save" calories because I know this keeps happening, but it's an old habit that I'd really like to get a handle on. Anyone else have any ideas or going through this? I am also a night owl and rarely go to be before 11:30 - but I'm not done with my day (all the stuff I have to do for my family and house****il about 9.
I love that you are reading a teenage girl book! I can't get into YA fiction, but I read US Weekly religiously so don't think there is any judgement here! I am currently tackling The Count of Monte Christo because it's my boyfriend's favorite book in the world. He bought me this gorgeous hard cover special edition and wrote a sweet note on the first page, so how can I say no. Apparently it would be helpful to understand French history and Napoleon and a host of other historical things that went out of my brain the minute I took that test in 11th grade...ooops...
I am also totally overscheduled this week but it's all my fault. Monday I had sushi with my boyfriend. Last night was seafood with a friend in from out of town. Tonight is a big happy hour with a group of people I used to work with. Tomorrow is happy hour with people who work at my gym (they include me, how cute). Friday I am going out to dinner with my boyfriend and Saturday we are going to Baltimore for a birthday brunch. Eeek. Luckily I realize I cannot drink like I did pre-surgery (too many calories, not that it affects me so much differently now) so I had wine on Monday, I will have wine tomorrow, and that's it. I only allow drinks twice a week. Sigh...
Have I mentioned the amazing side effect of plastic surgery is a super fast metabolism? It's crazy.
B: Light and fit toasted coconut vanilla greek yogurt with high protein granola
L: My friend's leftovers - half of a fried chicken breast
S: Mr. O's cheese crisps from amazon.com - I love these and a bag is 10 g protein, 6 carbs and they are SUPER crunchy and awesome
D: I will be at a bar but I scoped out the menu and may get a chicken burger and not eat the bun
E: My plan is to walk to the bar which is 2.5 miles away. I am so inactive not being allowed to go to the gym yet :(
Totals are 1,000 calories, 57 protein, 60 carbs. I will definitely eat more than that. So it's time to revisit my menu. Maybe I will eat part of the chicken at lunch and part later.
Have a great day, all!