Brick wall
The computer says I have some suicidal tendencies. Wow was I shocked. Killing myself is never something I have thought about. The "team" of people only 1 of whom I have actually had conversation with thinks it's best if we stop the processright now and take some time for therapy. Damn technology. I understand the concern that they have about success rates and all but sometimes I can't help but think that they put people through all of this **** only to eventually do the surgery anyway but the liner it gets dragged out then the more money they make. That's how I feel about it right now. I'm so frustrated and have no one to talk to.
I feel your frustration. It took me just over a year to get cleared to be sure I was medically safe for surgery. I was beginning to think it would never happen but used that time to follow the nutritionists advice and lose over 50 pounds and get my head where it needed to be. A good doctor wants you to be successful. That is what makes them good and enhances their reputation. Not quite sure what computer you refer to as my psych evaluator didn't have anything like that. However use this time to really be ready. Talk to the therapist about your feelings and if you are not comfortable with this one try someone else the fit between you and your therapist is critical. Good luck and hang in there.
I had a 165 question test to take that was then analyzed. I also sat with the therapist before taking the test and them the visit I had yesterday was to go over her recommendation. I have been severely overweight longer than she has been alive. It is frustrating. The worst part is not having someone to talk to at home. Just the site. I know it wont be too long it just sucks.
on 4/14/15 10:01 am
I am really sorry. That sucks.
Not that I am minimizing your disappointment, but as a person who had a 9 month supervised diet requirement for insurance, I actually ended up finding that time enormously helpful in my long term success. Also, setting up counseling and a support system outside of friends and family in that time really benefitted me after having surgery.
I know that it really stinks, but on a positive note, perhaps it will end up being beneficial for you.
I am really sorry you were put on hold.

"What you eat in private, you wear in public." --- Kat