New Here, 5/5 surgery, ;)) few questions
Vitamins and protien supplements
clear caffine free sugar free drinks (crystal light teas diet snapple)
sugar free jello
low sodium broth
someone on here mentioned gasx strips that melt in your mouth for possible gas.
ear plugs and Chapstick for the hospital. And loose clothes and a pillow to push agains your stomach for the way home.
i got a pill crusher for my meds and a pill box with 4 times a day and 7 days so I can rememebr all my meds and vitamins.
Dixie cups for measuring or eating out of. I found mini red solo cups at Walmart (1oz) and bought those. I also bought 1oz sauce takeout type cups with lids to put my jello into tiny portions.
I got a plastic container with a lid and handle to hold all my meds and things close by right after surgery. Gotta stay organized!
my surgery is on the 20th so I have been obsessively googling and looking up the answer and this is what I came up with for surgery and week one.
Week 2/3 I already got some stuff for- cream soups. Cottage cheese. Sugar free pudding. Tuna. Baby food. Etc. I know between working and taking care of the kids alone I don't want my hubby to need to shop specifically for me.
Congrats on your surgery date!
For the hospital stay, bring a small bottle of dry mouth spray (Biotene or similar), breath strips, and Chapstick. You can't drink anything for the first 24 hours and you will want these.

137 pounds lost - from a 24/26W to a size 8/10!
Travel very light to the hospital - I remember reading once that a woman was packing up her scrapbooking supplies to take along!
Things to take:
Your own plillow
Music and headphones for your phone or iPod - you'll sleep better with soft music as white noise
Supportive slip on slippers - think of crocs - because the floors are concrete hard and you'll be walking a lot!
I used the hospital gowns rather than my own PJs but did have a robe along for those walks.
At home - ask your doc about Tylenol Beltways (children's). These were recommended to me and make taking the tylenol much easier. However, do the math on how many beltways = an adult dose. Then buy a couple of boxes because you'll go through them!
Best wishes to you!
i just had surgery last Thursday. i brought my kindle, phone, charger, chapstick and i wore the same clothes i worse to the hospital home (clean undies/socks). the only thing i actually used was the chapstick (bring an extra, i had mine on my table and it was gone after i fell asleep). i was in pain and sleeping most of the time to do anything.
prior to surgery i stocked up on broth, sugar free ice pops, sugar free jello, 0 calorie powerade and cases of water. bottles of water have been easier for me to monitor my water intake throughout the day
i had my BF bring a pillow for the ride home. i wish i would have worn easier slip on shoes (i wore slip on converse to hospital), i couldn't bend to slip them on and my feet also swelled so i wore the hospital grippy socks home. the hospital will provide most things, they gave me a pitcher and 1 oz cups to take home.
i would recommend buying flush-able wipes for after and maybe bringing to the hospital. i had a hard time wiping after my first bowel movement in the hospital due to my left incision. i didn't get to shower until i went home 2 days after surgery.
All of these are great ideas.
YOU will want Gas X strips, especially if you need them and cannot get out to get them.
I walked and did everything I was supposed to do but still used them. Also have constipation meds on hand.
I use Miralax plus a stool softener. You may not need these till the end of the first week but You will need them,