Need to lose some pounds
I am 8 pounds heavier than I was 1 month ago at consult. I am going in the opposite direction. Not a good thing at all. Im thinking I should probably just go ahead and do a liquid diet from here on (surgery wont be that far out). However, I cannot find a legitimate source to know what is ok and what is not and what will keep my nutrition up while I lose a few pounds. Anyone have suggestions?
Can you call and talk to someone at your doc's office? The point of the pre op diet is, for one, to shrink fatty deposits around the liver and make the surgery easier. (Gives them a little room to maneuver in there, ya know?) Some docs require a liquid diet. Mine did not, but my expected pre op weight loss was relatively small and she just put me on low carbs, which was easier.
My first impression here is that you shouldn't have to "wing it" and take guesses in the pre op phase. They should be helping you know what to do. The surgeon should be your best "legitimate" source at this point, and certainly through the critical post op phase! Does he/she have resources in the office or in their network you can refer to for help?
Hey there! I also gained weight after intitial consult. It was an emotional issue for me I think. Once I saw that I had gained and realized that since I was having Laproscopic surgery I knew I needed to work on getting my liver as good as possible and to be as healthy as possible so I started doing a few things. I started swimming laps 4 to 5 times a week, first for 40 minutes then up to an hour to an hour and a half. I consulted with the nutritionist at the bariatric program I am in and they advised a two protein drink one healthy meal a day plan. I bought a Whey Protein powder (had to be 150 cal or less per scoop) and would make to protein drinks a day...I would add a Dannon Light and fit 80 cal vanilla yogurt to my morning protein shake (yogur****er and powder) and my lunch would sometimes be a pre made shake (like muscle milk 100 or slim fast or EAS carb control) or sometimes just another scoop of protein powder and milk or water. and then dinner would be a lean protein and vegetable and smart carb. This was a great time for me to try different protein powders, so I went to different drug stores and bought samples (usually around 2.50) and went to GNC and my local nutrition store that has a section for bariatric. I found out what ones I liked and what ones I could not tolerate. I can't take the GNC one is makes me too gassy, and that was before surgery!!! I started this about a month out from surgery and lost 11 lbs before surgery and after the surgery the surgeon remarked that I had done a great job shrinking my liver(??) Oh and most importantly I cut out alcohol, the program I am in says no alcohol for 1 year after surgery so I just gave myself a jump start. Hope that is helpful....consult the nutrionist...
Good Luck!
This is helpful. I think i am overstressing the Protein powder. There are so many! I started using a protein shot (New Whey). lots of protein in a little amount of liquid. I figured it would be good post op since it has high protein and low cal and carb. However it is HORRIBLE tasting and I am in the bathroom within a few minuted of taking it. How much protein should a single "liquid meal" provide? I have also done some stress eating this weekend I am afraid they are going to hold me back on surgery. I am so uncomfortable and ready to do this I hate having this decision be based on so many other people and factors.
A little aside....the protein shots such as New Whey will not be good choices post op. They have a low grade collagen protein and lack essential amino acids necessary to metabolize the protein that they do have. Better choices have 100% whey protein. And remember, it only takes one decent protein shake mix to get you through!
You can turn this around. Definitely ask your surgical team for a nutritional consult or referral. nothing's better than personal guidance from an experienced bariatric nutritionist.
there is a ton of information on OH - look for the resources section, or just search. In addition, there are an abundance of books out there that may guide you nutritionally. I've read a few thus far in my journey. There is one book called literally The Idiots Guide to Weight Loss Surgery. I didn't read it, but that line of books tends to be really good starting points for any knowledge source. Another I have personally read is the Experts Guide to Weight Loss Surgery by Garth Davis MD. It gives a lot of detail and will walk you through the surgery decisions and so on.
Here is some general direction my nutritionist provided me - though YMMV (your mileage my vary)! start by eating protein first. Drink a ton of water, but try not to drink water with your meal (or cut back). Try to slow down eating if you can. Cut out all soda, sugar, and start cutting down on starchy stuff (bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, and so on). Eat a good sized serving of protein first, before touching anything else. If still hungry - and I was always hungry! - eat the veggies next. Eat any starchy stuff only after eating the protein and the veggies, and you will eat less of those. You may even be full by that point and skip the starchy carbs altogether. It's amazing how much fuller I felt by eating the protein first.
Though its it's not part of the nutrition plan, consider adding some exercise. You'll need to do it post op so you may was well start now. You know it will only speed the weight loss! And, it will help you get in better condition for the major surgery you're about to sign up for.
Good luck!

137 pounds lost - from a 24/26W to a size 8/10!