Kidney issues...Help please.

on 4/11/15 9:29 am - Arvada, CO
RNY on 08/25/14

Hello everyone.  I'm 7 mos post RNY.  5 days after surgery I developed pneumonia and kidney failure due to CT Scan.  Creatinine levels went down slowly but recently after another blood draw are "significantly elevated" and I'm "spilling protein".  Doc will see me Wednesday.   Anyone with advice, experience?  Definitely scared.  Thanks all.




on 4/11/15 10:58 am - Ontario, Canada

I don't have any advice but to say I hope they figure it out soon so you can get better. Good luck!

on 4/11/15 1:32 pm

No doctor here...Just thoughts.  It wouldn't hurt at this point to (maybe...I said maybe and mean maybe) to add a bit more vegetables to your diet.  Things liked cooked spinach (even baby food spinach...Though fresh taste better), brussel sprouts, carrots, leafy greens...Color of the rainbow of vegetable.  Let us know what happens please.  That is one of my concerns.  I've had 2 heart attacks and being over weight for about 30 years, puts a lot of pressure on your kidneys too.  Brian

on 4/11/15 6:48 pm

Unless you feel fever,flank pain things like that I wouldn't waste any energy on being scared.

You don't know the labs. Spilling protein is not that usual. Take a breath.

Deb T.

on 4/12/15 12:24 am - Arvada, CO
RNY on 08/25/14

Thanks for the support.  I'll post after the doc appt.  Hugs.


Teri D.




Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 4/12/15 12:39 am - OH

I'm confused... How did having a CT scan cause pneumonia and kidney failure?!?


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 4/12/15 12:46 am - Arvada, CO
RNY on 08/25/14

The CT Scan dye caused the kidney failure.  Pneumonia was post op.






Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 4/12/15 1:11 am - OH

Oh, ok.  I get it now. Thanks.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

Libby R.
on 4/21/15 3:17 am - Aurora, CO

Hi Teri,

im so sorry to hear of the issues you are having and can only imagine how scared you are. Hopefully once you see your doctor you will know more and know a little more. Knowledge is power. The unknown is usually much more frightening. 

You did so well with your band for awhile, I was hoping that the RNY would be better. 

I have no words of wisdom, but please feel free to PM me should you wish to chat. 



