Surgery 2 days ago
Hi everyone. Made it swimmingly through lap RNY, doc found a small hyiatle hernia and he repaired it with a stitch while he was in there. Came home yesterday evening. I'm struggling trying to get all my water in (everything tastes metallic), took my vitamins (multi, Vit C, sublingual B12 and calcium chews x3) and have had 1/8 cup thin yogurt, 1/8 cup applesauce and 12 oz of Isopure. I feel like I'm full to the gills. Argh. Pressure behind my breastbone must mean I'm full. I'm walking/wandering around the house and taking my pain meds religiously. I'm sipping on water but I feel so darned full. Thinking of some thin cream of wheat later this evening if I feel better. Any helpful suggestions??
Congrats!!! I am 16 days out. I too had a lot of pressure behind my breast bone. I was worried I was having a heart attack. You still may have gas in your abdomen from the surgery. What helped me get fluids in what I was only a few days out was to have the small water bottles that only have 8oz in them and a 1 oz medicine cup on the side...they hospital actually started me that way. It was easier for my mind to feel like i could do it when I new I only needed to finish that 1 oz cup in 15 minutes. The program I am in says to focus on the fluids the first couple of days and then the protein. They also recommend using propel if you are struggling to get the fluids in to help with hydration. Good luck to you!!! Try to get the fluids!!!
Though I'm not the OP I had surgery this week and your advice is helpful to me too. My program also told me to ge****er/fluid first and then protein. I couldn't get my protein in yesterday but managed to get 64 oz of fluid. With all the meds and supplements I have to take with water it seemed I was filling up just from those! LOL
Hey there, we both made it! Sounds like you're doing great. I am a whopping 2 days ahead of you (surgery Monday). Had an extra day in the hospital as I got a nasty infection in the hospital, so I came home Thursday night. I'm so happy to be home!
My first 2 weeks are liquids only: 3oz of protein shake for each meal, and clear liquids otherwise. Even the 3oz of protein shake is a challenge (yesterday was my first day trying). I got so full at lunch yesterday that I had that pressure feeling - and it was painful! I've read here, and learned in my pre op class, that the pressure in the breastbone area signals fullness. I've read that Other full signals can include a runny nose or hiccups. I have just the pressure feeling. Anyway, I couldn't finish lunch and only managed a small amount at dinner, so my protein was low yesterday (40g). I got in all my meds and my vitamins but those filled me up too! Crazy. I managed to get all my water in yesterday, though I was sipping right up till bedtime! I also ventured outside for a short walk yesterday, and my goal is to double that short distance today, assuming the infection continues to improve. (Don't want to be gross but I needed to be very near a bathroom!) I also started eating (the shake) earlier today, so i will have time and room inmy pouch to finish all 60g of protein.
Though my input is along the lines of camaraderie/shared experience, I hope it helps somehow. I am looking forward to reading the veteran advice in response to your post.
Congratulations again! We will do this!

137 pounds lost - from a 24/26W to a size 8/10!