Sick prior to surgery?
I know from past surgeries that they will cancel. But I am worried. My hubby had smear infection and step this week. Now my daughter is complaining of her ear. (Gonna have to take her in tomorrow). And I feel a tickle starting in one side of my throat. Ugh! Surgery is on the 20th so a week and a few days. Hopefully I won't get sick but if I do now and get better in a few days do you think they will cancel it?
I'm not a doctor nor a veteran of WLS. I just had my surgery on Monday in fact! As long as you're healthy and well, your surgery will probably go forward. Small colds and such may not be a big deal, but I think it depends on your surgeon and your hospital. Even so, you need to be super careful in my opinion.
I was feeling sick about 2 weeks before surgery and did what I never do: I totally babied myself. I got a strep test right away (it was negative). My sore throat turned into a cough, which was a concern; I get bronchitis easily. So I isolated myself, and acted as if I was full-on sick. I stayed warm, took it easy, over hydrated, and protected myself as much as possible. Because honestly, they will and should cancel surgery if you have bronchitis within a few weeks of surgery. Anesthesia is no joke and neither is bronchitis, so if (like me) you tend to get bronchitis easily then you need to go into protection mode, and stat! As for strep throat - I doubt they would operate on you if you have active strep. Think of the infection possibilities! I don't know how long you would have to be clear of strep before surgery but don't risk it. Disinfect everything your husband touches, and have that little sore throat checked right away for strep. Be over cautious and tell your PCP why you are being so cautious and ask for advice on when to have that strep test. Again, this is just my opinion. I would err on the side of caution in this critical time so you can safely have your surgery on the scheduled date. Baby yourself and put your health as your #1 priority right now!
I'm not trying to freak you out, but I hope you'll protect yourself and your health at all costs right now. This surgery is major and you need to be in top shape, so... Stay healthy my friend!

137 pounds lost - from a 24/26W to a size 8/10!
Thanks this is just what I needed to hear. I have been chugging water and trying to make sUre I am resting up. I will ask at my daughters apt about myself and see if they have advice. So far this am my throats normal. I think maybe it was dry last night we had a sudden weather change and sometimes with that my allergies (minor) act up so maybe that's thethroat ichiness I felt yesterday. Still gonna air on the side of caution and follow some of what you said! Thanks so much!