Mixed Emotions as surgery nears
You all have been amazing as I have posted the last few months after being scammed by my first surgeon and needing to switch to another. It's been so amazing to go through this journey and come hear for support. And now I am less than two weeks from surgery and freaking out a little! I am struggling with my diet- going between I need to eat healthy and be healthy for the operation and then the next min thinking I should just enjoy that "one last time." My doctor doesn't have a pre diet requirement and I almot wishes he did.. It would help me I think in these final moments. I have even contemplated putting myself on one. It's all a mental thing and I have been stellar these past few months and now I am just all over the place. I know I am ready and this is what I want and it takes commitment but old habits die hard.
I am surprised your doctor doesn't require some sort of pre-op diet, since as I understood it, you want your liver to be as small as possible so the surgeon doesn't nick it while he/she is inside doing his/her thang...
I was on a two week pre-op liquid diet of protein shakes, greek yogurt, sugar-free jello. It was hard as hell. The first few days I had a headache and felt light-headed and was grouchy. But then I adjusted and I felt like it helped me IMMENSELY to have those two weeks of liquid diet because after surgery, you are on clear liquids for a few days and then back to those full liquids for about two weeks. Although your surgeon doesn't require a liquid diet, I would recommend (just my opinion) that at least for the week prior to surgery you switch to shakes/liquids for at least two meals a day, and maybe do a sensible protein (like a chicken breast) for dinner. You really want to be as healthy and with as small of a liver as possible before being operated on, in order to avoid complications. Also, it gets your head in the game so you don't go from large meals of carbs and fats to surgery to no food at all...it's a head trip and the first months after surgery are emotional and weird to begin with, so don't make it any harder on yourself :)
Just my two cents and others may disagree. I can only say, if I were you, I would pick a date when the "food funerals' end and start that low cal, high protein, liquid diet :)
Good luck!
My doctors did an abdominal ultrasound an do believe it checked for all the things like liver size and such. They only do a two day preop diet (liquids only). And they do a barium flush the day prior (like with a colonoscopy). So some prep involved but I am not worried because these are the top surgeons in the area. I have already started adding in a shake instead of a meal once a day but maybe I will try adding in two and just eating a meat and veg dinner. Thanks for the advice.
My surgeon doesn't do a pre op diet either. I just got my surgery instructions, surgery is on Tuesday. I have to be on liquids only on Monday and no liquids after midnight. Also no caffeine so I'm weaning myself off this week. I'm sure my office mates wish I was caffeinated.

Carpe Diem!
Height: 5'5" HW: 237 SW: 237 CW:138 GW: 134 M1: -31 M2: -14 M3:-12 M4: -10 M5: -10 M6: -5 M7: -4 M8: -5 M9: -5 M10: -2 M11: 0 M12: -1
I to was having mixed emotions the night right before.. I almost cancelled. But then I told myself "if you do not go, you will never forgive yourself". And with that I got up at 5am took a deep breath got ready and went. I have never regretted it for 1 moment. Keep that one in mind! :)
good luck!