6 days out
Hi all
6 days out and still jumping threw hoops , one more tomorrow... Husband still stressing me out over his mon knowing ... Although admittedly knows she will announce to her greek gossip team. Still issue with Easter. I guess he is having a hard time too. As he constantly reminds me how stessed he is while he stuffs chips and non stop eating in his mouth!
Really ? Cause I'm not stressed at all!!!!😡😡😡😡guess just needed to vent but can't wait to be past this part! Hope you all are doing well. Thanks for listening:)
-April 13! Hope that 13 is lucky! Lol
My Greek mom told my entire family and all her friends without my permission. Her excuse was "Why not, why can't I tell people? Don't they need to know?" My reply was "No mom, it's not your place to tell people what I'm doing!" But, what can you do? It's in their blood to tell the world your business and embarrass you. Don't let your husbands stress get to you. You have your own issues to deal with. It does get better.
Hi thank you!! I know but I don't have parents and she has never liked me so it's really not fair. They are very wealthy! Easter is about excess food who's dress is most expensive... Jewelry they are all skinny! They drink more than you can imagine. I'm not going because I will be on clear fluids and surgery next day so I'm staying home ... Getting ready getting house ready etc I have 3 wonderful sons but hubby is all about his mom! She has to know! I don't no**** her to know. I just want to be topic of conversation ! But why should this year be any different usually talking about horrible I look! I'm trying to put it out of mind but there is just so much stress in our life right now besides his family... He works for his family who has now asked him to look elsewhere for an employment... That was their xmas bonus... Your not fired but start looking so so much going on at once. Don't get me wrong besides his mom hating me most of our 30 yrs together. She just started liking me lol so I don't know. I just feel like why are only the rich entitled to privacy ! I would gladly tell her if she respected me enough to wait to blab until I'm out of surgery! But you are right can't change who they are:(
thanks!!! Really!
I'm right behind you. My surgery is the 14th and I am impatiently waiting. The nurse called this morning to give me my do's & don'ts for the week. I know you were stressing about Easter and your husband's need to tell his mom. I would just continue to remind him it is your news to tell and you will if & when you are comfortable. Only my husband and my mom know and I've sworn her to secrecy. Right now I just want to focus on surgery & the new phase of my life without listening to naysayers or "constructive criticism" which is usually never constructive. Ask your husband again why it is so important that his mother know? My husband's birthday is a week after surgery and my MIL always takes everyone to dinner. I am a little worried but my husband suggested have clear brothy soup and just tell everyone I'm not very hungry. Read the spouses forum there may be some hints for you to help him. The support groups through your program may be helpful too. Good Luck and keep in touch.

Carpe Diem!
Height: 5'5" HW: 237 SW: 237 CW:138 GW: 134 M1: -31 M2: -14 M3:-12 M4: -10 M5: -10 M6: -5 M7: -4 M8: -5 M9: -5 M10: -2 M11: 0 M12: -1
Only the Hubby knew for about mine. Then at one mth after the fact, I told my mom & when she saw how good I looked and how my medical numbers (diabetes, blood pressure, cholesterol) had dropped so much, she was happy for me. I just saved her the worries of going through it with me. I also specifically asked her to tell the entire family at this point so that if it bothered anyone, they could wrap their head around it before I saw people, and they have seemed very happy for me.
Good luck with Your family!
My husband, kids, and my mother knew. I told my boss at work but not my coworkers I was scared of the naysayers also. I was really amazed at how well my family and my mother in law were all so supportive. My coworkers have been great after the first month I had to tell them due to losing 25 lbs first month. One of my coworkers gave me the best advice that if they don't support you trying to better yourself just ignore them :)