needing some wisdom from other light weights
on 3/29/15 12:59 pm
Seems like a silly question to ask but it's a question I struggle with as my journey get closer to reality for me. I'm on the low weight side for RNY with 75-80 lbs to lose for my optimal weight. I am 5'2" and weigh 195. Most that find out I am planning to have RNY think I'm crazy to go thru such an intrusive surgery for this amount of weight. I should add I am a new diabetic which prompted this decision I've made. Question is, are there Folks here who have made this decision with a smaller amount of weight to lose and do they have any regrets? Also how do they deal with the ney Sayers? Example: 2 days ago saw a dietician for the diabetes (bariatric trained) who told me I was crazy to have this done! She even made me get on the scale to prove I weighed what I said I did. Any insight would be most appreciated!
I was 5'2 and 195 pounds on surgery day with Type 2 diabetes. Best decision I ever made. I got down to 128 and ended up at 136. I no longer fight hunger and love the way I look and feel. Strap 60 or 70 pounds to your body and walk around with it for a day.
Everyone I talked to thought I was crazy to be having surgery. I am glad I did not listen. I know what it was like to be hungry even after eating a decent meal. I know how it felt to always be buying clothes that were big enough to hide the fat. I remember walking for 30 minutes, pouring sweat and being so tired. Everything was so much harder with the extra weight on me. Everything is so much easier without it.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
on 3/29/15 3:14 pm
I have a dear and lovely friend who suffered from severe diabetes for many years. She was also a lightweight. Maybe 60 pounds at most, I would guess. She paid out of pocket for the RNY, and she feels it is the best thing she ever did for herself and her family.
My friend's father died in his early 40's from diabetes. My friend was approaching 40, and has 3 children. She had tried to manage her diabetes for so many years. She exercised hard and long for years, and ate very carefully. She was so desperate to find something to help her feel well. She researched the RNY before some of the surgical trials were done on how RNY affects diabetes. She tried to get into one of the studies but lived too far from a study center. A few years later, without the surgery, during one month she gained 20 pounds, for no apparent reasons. She and her husband withdrew the money from savings. I saw her in the storewith her daughters 2-3 days after her RNY. I said, "Are you well enough to be out?" She said, " I feel so much better now than I did before. The surgery was nothing compared to how awful I felt."
Good luck to you on your decision. I know my friend would say, do not hesitate!

I dont know if I was considered a "light weight" but I'm 5'6 and was 251lbs for my operation in 2011.
In 2006-2007 I weighed 305 and lost close to 95 lbs on my own. When I decided to have surgery in 2011 I was 266lbs and depressed that I let myself gain a lot of that weight back.
A lot of people prior to surgery tried to convince me that I could lose that weight naturally again but MY mind was set and I've never looked back.
Been maintaining between 145-150 lbs for 7 months now and even just has a breast augmentation and arm lift done this past Tuesday.
If you are medically eligible for the surgery, then do what YOU need to do and don't look back - it'll be the best decision of your life.