Acid Reflux or Hernia Trouble?
I woke up yesterday at 4:30 am and was not able to breathe. I had a burning in my chest like fire and all I could do was cough. I coughed and coughed and it burned and burned. A little bit of blood came up but mostly saliva. I have NEVER been so scared. I started vomiting (for me vomiting is mostly like spitting) It was just awful! I was so scared I called my husband at work and he came straight home. My chest stop burning but after about 30 mins of vomiting my throat was on fire! I went to the doctor who told me he thought I might be suffering from acid reflux(put me on Zantac). About a 4 months ago I was having serious stomach issues (gas, bloating, diarrhea, etc) I just didn't feel like me. I had tons of testing done (xray, barium, ct) and even went to the ER, they found nothing. I will admit I have gained weight since my surgery, more weight than I thought I'd ever see again (was 170-175 and now I'm 218) but I can't imagine all my issues are from that. I also had a tummy tuck in 2010 and in the last couple of years I've some soreness kind of like a lump in my abdomen. The doctor seems to think it's scar tissue and I just have to "live" with it. I'm just curious if anyone has had any issues like these or similar to these. I'd love to hear about it. I'm really sick of feeling sick! I never took one pill before surgery now I have my own little pill box:/

on 10/31/14 1:31 am
Tell them you want an EGD. We Rnyrs just don't start with relflux years post op. 3 months ago I started to have the same problems. I aspirated on the bile a few times. It's like having a heart attack. I had an EGD and ended up with a gastrogastric fistula. The blind stomach reattached to the pouch and developed a fistula. I had to have a gastrectomy 2 weeks ago and they had to rebuild the pouch. They said they are starting to see it more often in long term postops but it is stil rare. He won't know what is up unless he goes down and looks. You could also have a blind limb. I also had to have one removed
"The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue." --- Dorothy Parker
"You may not like what I say or how I say it, but it may be just exactly what you need to hear." ---Kathryn White
Thank you so much for your post!! I have had such troubles lately and just that feeling that something isn't right. I think I convinced myself it might be in my head since all the testing came out negative. I can't even eat without painful bloating and the gas is ridiculous. My stomach makes more noise than you can imagine. Thank you, Thank you!!!

on 10/31/14 11:57 pm
Keep me posted. The scope is the only way they can see what's up
"The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue." --- Dorothy Parker
"You may not like what I say or how I say it, but it may be just exactly what you need to hear." ---Kathryn White
Did they ever figure out what it was. Your symptoms so resemble mine.
The bloating and the noises are so bad. The pain is achy but really bad after I eat.
I think it might be gallbladder they did ultrasound and just finished a HIBA test.
they said it was at 70% and I had Mild duodeogastric reflux
Just wondering what you found out.
I might not find my way back to this post so if you do see it could you inbox me please.
Still waiting for Dr to call me tomorrow or the next day.
Thank you, April