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I personally tell everyone. lol I work in a hospital and I tell patients, other staff. lol

Thanks for listening
You are doing an amazing job with your tool (sam) ha ha
Keep your eye on the prize and I'll see you in Feb. Unfortunately I'll miss Jules meeting in Jan, I am treating myself to a little R&R in Fla. However, I'll be missing ya'all but will be back before you know it.
Also Great Job Kim you look great at the last meeting!!
I, personally, don't think you are being too sensitive about this. I choose to share only what I want, when I want, with whomever I want. It's no one's business except mine.
I don't mind sharing how much weight I've lost with ANYone but I don't tell EVERYone about my weightloss tool.
I will not be shy to tell someone that I won't share certain information with them.
When someone asks me how I lost the weight (and I don't want to tell them about my tool or don't have time to share with them), I tell them....."I eat less, exercise more & watch my calorie intake" period.
However, as time goes on, I share my WLS secret with more and more people because I would love to help someone who may be considering it for themselves.
There are so many myths about WLS out there. It would be nice to hear someone say "I knew this woman who had WLS and is a success!" Instead of "I knew this woman who had WLS and gained all her weight back...or...who died...or...who had complications...or....___(fill in the blank)_____".
I hope this helps!
Have a great weekend Jayne!
For Info about Rhode Island Support Groups, please email me! [email protected]
Nutrition Consultants, LLC currently onLY meet on the
1st Wednesdays GASTRIC BAND ONLY 7:00 - 8:00 pm
2nd Tuesadys GASTRIC BYPASS ONLY 7:00 - 8:00 pm
1 James P. Murphy Highway
West Warwick, RI
For questions and to register,
please call Donna or Michelle at (401) 885-6629
Feel free to email me if you would like the printable/updated calendar sent to you.
For Info about Rhode Island Support Groups, please email me! [email protected]
I missed wed. sick kid. Anyway, where is Nutrition Consultants? I would love to attend.