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on 1/30/13 2:30 pm
Topic: Hi,Im new to board.

I've been a heavy gal all my life and i've been researching into a lot of weight loss surgeries and I think Lap Band is the way to go for myself.I found out my ins(united healthcare of GA) will NOT cover it even if its for medical reasons.Has anyone found any grants or doctors willing to work with you to be able to afford the surgery?

on 1/7/13 9:15 am - East Providence, RI
Topic: RE: Nutrionsist in RI

Yes a dietician that has had the surgery themselves

on 1/7/13 5:16 am - RI
Topic: RE: Nutrionsist in RI

What? Are you asking if there is a Dietician that has HAD surgery themselves? Or are you asking about seeing a particular dietician in regards to WLS?

on 1/4/13 11:54 am - East Providence, RI
Topic: Nutrionsist in RI


Tammy C.
on 1/2/13 9:22 am
Topic: 2013: 20 Funny New Year's Resolutions

2013:  20 Funny New Year's Resolutions

When it comes to New Year's resolutions, our family members and friends can get quite creative and even funny with what they resolve to do in the New Year.  Here a few good ones I have heard along the way...Oh, and a few of my own!

1.  I resolve to stop procrastinating about procrastinating!

2.  I will stop sending Facebook messages and emails to my loved ones when they are in the same room as I am!

3.  I will use my treadmill for something other than a place to hang my jacket.

4.  I will not sit at the kitchen table in my PJ's all day.  Instead, I will move my computer to my bedroom.

5.  I vow to never take a laxative and a sleeping pill on the same night!

Click here to read more!

All my best, 

Tammy Colter
Director of Media & PR
OH Magazine
on 11/26/12 12:16 am - Warwick, RI
Topic: How did you do Thanksgiving?

How did you do? Did you use your head and not your stomach to eat?

I did well, I had made a sugar free pudding pie with light cool whip that was my treat.

I ate light at the meal, more involved with make sure everyone else ate enough and packed it up with them and sent them on their way! lol

what did you different since surgery?  This was my second Thanksgiving so I did well.

on 11/19/12 12:22 am - RI
Topic: RE: its been a while, 3 yrs. out

omg, this is so weird... i myself just posted this morning about being 3 years out and in doing so, i began to think of you and lisa,ad a few others,  wondering how you are......and bang, here is your blog staring at me square in the face...

i am so sorry to hear lisa is not feeling well...i certainly can relate to the going back to eating...i lost my mom in april and just went through a scary time aftr recievng results from my recent mammagram... i have maintained my weight for 3 years and now all of a sudden, i am up almost 15 pounds... i am getting scared!!!!!

i am also finding ways to eat more, without that full feeling... mind over matter???


"The only thing I have to LOSE is weight,
after that I have everything to GAIN....."

starting weight =272
pre op =256 
surgery date = 240



on 10/20/12 1:50 am - Johnston, RI
VSG on 10/02/12
Topic: RE: What to do...
 I can only suggest a different doctor; my surgeon is Dr Giovanni, she works with Dr. Pohl, they are located in Johnston. Give them a try, and good luck!


on 10/18/12 12:55 pm - North Kingstown, RI
Topic: What to do...
 I have been considering surgery for some time so went to see Dr. V who basically said he could not operate because of my size.Thought that was the point of all of this so was quite discouraged. Now I aam quite large, close to 500. So talked to my father inlaw who had surgery years ago with Dr. Roye and had nothing but good to say about him. So looked him up and found he is now in Dr. V's office.  Thats a bit awkward now but also concerned.he will have the same answer since they are some how now associated.  My father in law was 500+ when he had his bypass but I'm looking more for VSG to possibly go DS when safer.  Basically at this point I'm looking for advice because I'm certain this would be a good tool for me to make some changes but concerned because both docs work with the same hospitals so the answer will be the same.  Anybody have any advice?
Member Services
on 9/14/12 11:33 am - Irvine, CA
Topic: Meet Our Speakers: Ask The Experts!
                       Save the dates: October 5th and 6th!

Come to Atlanta, GA and ask our panel of experts the questions you want answers to!  If you are unable to atend the event, email your questions to:  [email protected] and we will ask the experts to answer your questions and then we will post them on the message boards after the OH event!

Click here to reserve your tickets today!  We hope to see you there!

Mixed Q & A Panel, 
Grads & Professionals

Friday  2:00pm - 4:30pm

Dr.  Paul E. Macik

Performing operations laparoscopically since 1991.  His practice offers Gastric Bypass, LapBand and Sleeve Gastrectomy options.  Also an Instructor for Quarterly In-Service Program of Bariatric Surgery at Emory Dunwoody Medical Center and Northside Hospital.

Jim Blackburn

Jim lost 215 pounds and found a love for running.  With 58,038 Race finishers at an avg time of 01:17:35, Jim finished the 2012 Peachtree Road Race (10k) in 1:07:57, a goal he's worked towards since having Gastric Bypass.

Dr.  Michael Williams 

Dr. Williams principal clinical and research interest include minimally invasive techniques, and the surgical therapy of morbid obesity.  He has been involved in training surgeons in laparocopic techniques in the United States and the Caribbean.  

Beth Sheldon-Badore

Blogger, & Founder of Bariatric Bad Girls. "Melting Mama" as she's known through her blog has been blogging about life since her WLS in 2004.  Her witty, honest approach to life after WLS has inspired and supported thousands.

Dr. Sheldon Lincenberg

Double-board certified, plastic and reconstructive surgeon and a board-certified general surgeon.  In 1995, he created and began sponsoring Pink Ribbons, an annual October event during Breast Cancer Month to benefit breast cancer organizations.

 Courtney aka tripmom02

An active OH member for 5 years and a frequent poster on the VSG forum! She's bringing her post-op experience as a Lap Band to VSG Revision. Courtney has lost 170 lbs and is training for her 1st half marathon in October. Her goal is to complete an Iron Man in 2014!

Professional Q & A Panel

Saturday  10:30am - 11:55am

Scott Steinberg, MD

Fellow-ship trained advanced laparoscopic surgeon. A member of the American College of Surgeons and the ASMBS. 

Qammar Rashid, MD

Fellow-ship trained in Minimally Invasive and Bariatric Surgery.  A large part of her practice is breast and bariatric surgery.    

Dr. Dennis C. Smith  

The 3rd surgeon in the world to perform the totally laparoscopic DS and the 1st bariatric surgeon in the world to present the Hand-Sewn Duedenal-Ileal Anastomosis technique. 

Connie Stapleton, Ph.D

Dr. Stapleton is a licensed clinical psychologist, received her doctorol degree from Texas A&M University in Counseling Psychology.  

Donna DeMild, LPBLC

Post-Op and CEO of BodySmart, LLC. Donna works at NJ Bariatrics and is a licensed bariatric life coach. Her focus is lifestyle change after wls.   

Jeremy Gentles

A Ph.D Candidate in Sport Science at East Tennessee State University and for a number of years, served as ObesityHelp's Exercise Physiologist. 

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