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Hey Eldy and Cynthia!
Thanks for replying to my post. I appreciate all the positive responses I can get!
Eldy, you're right. Time to refocus on just John and me. Good thing we really like each other! Otherwise I can see us strangling each other into our golden years! Yowzah!
John has just been offered a Sgt Major position with Head Quarters so his major traveling days in the Army are, most likely, over. So this should give us some really good quality times with each other. I'm hoping to add some weekend traveling in there somewhere. Lock up the house and head out!
Visiting with our grandchildren keeps us, both, grounded too. It's a good thing.
I really hope you and the Fam can make it Saturday. Even if it's just for a little while.
Cynthia, it was great seeing you again tonight. We'll have to start making some adult-time plans soon. Even if it IS just to go out to a movie. Time for me to have a social life outside my adult kids. Weird to say but so true.
I'm so proud of being a part of this 'IN crowd'! You all make me feel so damn normal!
I love you!
For Info about Rhode Island Support Groups, please email me! [email protected]
Hey Lee & Kim!
Lee, I'm so glad you can make it Saturday...looks like the weather is clearing up for us!
Kim, I'm sorry you can't make it to our party. We will surely miss having you with us!
Save the date for August 29th's our 10 annual labor day picnic. Everyone is invited!
See you both very soon!
For Info about Rhode Island Support Groups, please email me! [email protected]
Carol b
Good Morning Jules:
My Husband and I will definitely be at your pool party this weekend. Looking forward to seeing all my OH friends :)
Thank you for putting this together and inviting us all to your home, you are the best Jules!!!!
I am here if you need someone to vent to!
Hang in there and enjoy this curve in the journey the possibilities are endless and what you make of them !!!
Love ya hun!
I've sent invitations to the OH members on my list. If I've missed you, just send Cathy or me your name and we'll try to locate you!
More support, more to lose! ~smiles~
~kelly jo