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Keep up the great job on losing the weight!
~kelly jo
Upside is I am losing!
Well, it sounds to me like you got some pretty good advice here. I have had stomach pain off and on that doubles me over. It is a sharp pain that hits me and then goes away. Come to find out ( thru experience) that its gas pain. I never had gas pain like that before the surgery. Sometimes its so bad that my husband wants me to go to the hospital, but as soon as everything gets eliminated... i am good. It just sucks. Now I don't know if you could be experiencing something like that, but I think if you were, you would have figured it out by now. So good luck and I hope they find out what is causing it and that it is a minor thing to remedy! Keep us posted, Cynthia! Take care! Your friend, Eldy
Hey Brian, one thing I can say for sure is ... families really can suck sometimes. Well, here's my .2 cents... since you asked :) I think that maybe your mother is concerned for you and being difficult to get out to you, she feels maybe she can make herself useful by helping your SIL. Knowing that your father and grandmother will be there for you, she knows you will not be alone. I think maybe if she had expressed her feelings more completely ( i wish i could be there, can I send something up there for you, call me as soon as you can after surgery) you would probably feel better about it. Some people don't think about what their actions may look like to those they love. I feel that if you reign in on your anger and hurt, and continue keeping her in the loop of whats going on, both of you will feel better about the situation. Maybe she was a little hurt that this is on her birthday ( although i don't know why since she is 800 miles away). Hard feelings seem to breed more hard feelings. I don't want to minimize your feelings, but I don't think you want to go into this life change with feelings or words that could make matters worse and the healing process tougher. You know she loves you and you did say you were the least needy of the kids. She may feel secure in that and feels you would be ok with this. Now don't forget, although you don't really know us all that well here, we are your next family. We are here for you and totally understand what you are going thru with this surgery. All the emotions and anxiety and thoughts and reservations. No family member ( unless he/she has been there done that) knows these things. We are the support that really helps at this time. Keep that in mind and always count on us. I say go on with your mom like this did not phase you and take the support from us and your relationship with mom will be much better than expressing the hurt and sending out the guilt to her, it always come back with a bite. Take care and keep us up to date with the fam. Good luck!!! Your friend, Eldy