I got a date to get a date,.........maybe.
Hi everybody........
I finished all of my testing today and called Annette for a second appt with Dr. Roye. I go to see him on May 26th at 10am. I'm a little nervous to actually say I'll get a date at that time cause there's too many strikes against me. Today was pretty bad for me as far as the pulmonary function test. As most of you know, I was in the hospital last week and had walking pneumonia....well, now it's bronchitis....so we kept trying to do the breathing tests, but I would cough and cough. Some of the tests only came in at 70%....that's not good. She felt bad so she gave me a couple of shots of albuterol from an inhaler and had me sit there for a while.....then I was able to finish some of the tests a little better. They did my chest x-ray too.....wonder how good that's gonna look with all this stuff in my chest.
So with all of that said, I got an appt date from Annette. I'm not going to hold my breath for a surgery date, cause something tells me that Dr. Roye's gonna make do a couple of these tests again. I don't know. I suppose we'll see, huh?
Well, you all take care.
Hi Shel,
I'm so glad you got the tests finished....Well he'll give you a date when you see him, and if he needs some of the tests redone thats all you have to do.
You're on your way baby!!! I'm so proud of you...
Do you have trouble with Annette? My friend Rose hates her...she never ever is nice to her and she just wishes she didn't have to ever talk to her...I never had a problem with anyone at the office, so that's why I'm askin...
Love ya,

I have never, EVER once had a single problem out of Annette. I'm usually sugary sweet to her because I have "heard" things. But she's always been right on top of things for me and is usually very warm and helpful. I'm sorry that Rose has had problems...I've heard that before. But like I said, she's always gone beyond the call of duty for me. She goes and pulls my file to see who has and hasn't sent in my test results. She looks up things for me....and she's never complained or sounded rude at all. So far, so good, I have to say.
Yea, he may make me take a test or two again. I don't know. But as of right this minute, I'm celebrating....cause I'm DONE!!! YAY!!!
Oh...and don't be jealous peeps!!! I'm on aspirin which made me bleed kinda bad when they were taking out the 27 vials of blood. So...............they only took 21 from me and dummied the rest. HA! **snicker**
Love ya. Hope you're doing good.
i had a lot of problems with her, unfortunately. i kind of go into them in my profile, but they mostly had to do with insurance submittal and the approval [denial, in my case] process. I called her for weeks on end, asking if she had heard anything and always got the same, "no, nothing's come in. ok? goodbye." finally, i gave up and called my insurance company to make sure that they had even received the packet. Well, they had.. on May 21st, and denied me on May 23rd.
I found this out on July 22nd. 2 entire months after the fact. So, I called Annette immediate and asked if she had heard anything.. and when she told me nothing has come in for me - I flat out said, "Well, I just got off the phone with them, and they sent you the denial on May 23rd. So, could you please go get my chart and make sure we're on the same page?" Sure enough, she had it. I cannot even begin to tell you how upset I was. 2 months!!! I only had 1 month to appeal after their date of denial! So I was already 2 months behind.. She was not very helpful at all during my insurance battle. When I lost my court case in November, I became a self-pay.
Instantly, her tune with me changed. She has been pleasant, not nice, but pleasant. She does what I ask of her.. but beyond that - I don't get much.
i have tried my hardest to be so nice to her. I always ask how she is. I always smile when I go into the office.. but she has never made me feel welcome or cared for. I don't know what I ever did to make her hate me so much, but I wi**** were different. Things would surely be easier as I would love to not dread calling Dr. Roye's office. It's kind of a shame, because everyone else is fantastic.
So, that's my story. I'm glad things have turned around. but I do wish the start wasn't quite so rocky.