oh crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well, here we go............I just had some of my test results faxed to me cause they don't seem to be making it to Dr. Royes office. On my Hida Scan results page, it says...........POOR GALLBLADDER CONTRACTIBILITY!!!
Holy cow...........what does that mean??????????????????????????????????? Blood pressure just shot up through the roof. I'm scared now.
i'm not sure what it means.. but!!
have that sucker taken out. seriously! do it now! you don't need it. i don't know if Dr. Roye always takes your gall bladder out, or not.. mine's already been gone.
gall bladder's are VERY finicky when it comes to rapid weight loss. I lost about 80 pounds in '97, and landed myself in the ER, having surgery to remove mine. It was so packed with gall stones, that both openings to the gall bladder were blocked, causing it to die - and become gangrenous! it was nuts.
I just think it makes sense to remove it now - especially if there's a problem with it - than ahve to go through another surgery down the road to have it removed.
this isn't a HUGE deal, Shelli.. so don't freak out, too much! I promise. Espeically where you aren't having gall bladder attacks [you'd know it, if you were..]. I would just take an ounce of prevention if your gall bladder is in poor shape and have it removed during the bypass.
i second that emotion!!!! LOL
Dont freak out, it is better to get it done at the same time of your surgery since you know about it now.. It wont prevent u from having surgery (most likely) because they can just pop it out while they are in there........take it easy and dont fret
Relax, it will be ok
What it means is.....YOU HAVE TO HAVE SURGERY SOON...that is why I was able to have my surgery so fast....
Relax, just make sure you fax it to Dr Roye and tell him that you are nervous about having 2 surgeries....you want it out the same time as you have the bypass...that's what I did...
*huggin tight*...It'll be ok...
Love ya,
HI Shelli,
That word just means ur gallbladder does not go down to regular size as it should. Everyone is right u will end up having it out eventually. Same as Kristen I also lost 60 pounds 3 yrs ago and landed in the ER and ended having mine out due to gallstones. Your body really does not need the gallbladder. If u can due the bypass and have the gallbladder out at the same time it would be wonderful. Best of Luck with the Abgs. I help the phlebotonists with them. I have to help hold pts arms so they do not move their hands when they try for the artery.