I talked to Teri...she's doing OK. And Kristen is doing GREAT!

Goshdarnpeople *
on 4/27/06 11:26 pm - ...did I mention it's hot here?, FL
1. What is your favorite protein source post-op? unjury protein drinks 2. What was your "last meal" pre-op? Godiva Chocolate and Starbucks coffee 3. On a scale of 1-10 (ten being HARD), how hard is it to deal with "head hunger" post op? Depends on the stage you're at... Just post op (1-3 weeks) no big deal. 5-6 weeks, mabey at a 7-8 depending on my mood that day. 4. What do you dump on? (if you dump) I haven't dumped 5. If your tastes have changed post-op, how have they changed? I would say that I still like the things I used to. The only thing I notice different is that the flavors within the foods seem to be more intense. 6. If you crave sweets post-op, how do you satiate that craving? popsicles, protein shakes, protein cookies or bars, sugar free hard candy(use with caution ) 7. What kind of pre-op diet did you have to do? (2 weeks liquid, 1 week liquid, no pre-op diet, etc) 2 weeks high protein, low fat, to shrink the liver 8. How do you handle eating out in restaurants? (what do you order?) Depends on where everyone else wants to go. Usually I'll just have an iced tea and keep my son in line, so everyone else can enjoy themselves. 9. Has your spouses/ significant others eating habits changed since your surgery? If so, how? Yeah. He can't keep up with all the food I'm cooking and the freezer's stocked. He also gets the benefit of drinking the protein drink samples I can't stand. 10. How do you take your vitamins: chewed, swallowed whole, or crushed in food? (post-op question) Chewables. Tried pills, but it hurt too much, and since I switched I have so much more energy. HTH Gosh
on 4/28/06 2:31 am - somewhere, IL
1. What is your favorite protein source post-op? Chicken, I cannot stop craving chicken, I am so lucky to be able to eat it too. I eat it two or three times a day. 2. What was your "last meal" pre-op? gosh I cannot remember. 3. On a scale of 1-10 (ten being HARD), how hard is it to deal with "head hunger" post op? I dont think it is too hard. I know I cant eat and that is a choice I made. but I think it is easier for me because so far I can just about eat anything. 4. What do you dump on? (if you dump) notta thing so far. Allthough greasey foods dont sit well. but sugar doesnt bother me at all. It does make it harder to comply. Although I dont sit and eat a whole pice of cake I have ate a couple bites and nothing. I did add some ice cream to a protein shake once. the air upset my pouch made me naseus. so I dont do that. 5. If your tastes have changed post-op, how have they changed? I cannot stand to drink milk and I always drank lost of it. and fried foods really taste greasey to me. 6. If you crave sweets post-op, how do you satiate that craving? I dont 7. What kind of pre-op diet did you have to do? (2 weeks liquid, 1 week liquid, no pre-op diet, etc) two week liquid diet. And yes I was bad. 8. How do you handle eating out in restaurants? (what do you order?) I order a to go plate, sometimes me and boyfriend spilt a plate, and sometimes I just order something simple. 9. Has your spouses/ significant others eating habits changed since your surgery? If so, how? He is not eating as much. 10. How do you take your vitamins: chewed, swallowed whole, or crushed in food? (post-op question) I take one source for my multi-vitamin, Subligual B-12, tums for calcuim, although I was told I could switch to pills for calcuim I havent went to store and figured out what I should take yet. and I take a pepcid by order of doc. every morning first thing.
on 4/28/06 3:01 am - Waite Park, MN
1. favorite post-op protein source? Thunder chocolate drink and baked chicken 2. last meal pre-op? Timberlodge Steakhouse; the Viking - sirloin with baked potato and salad. Also a Brandy Alexander. 3. Head hunger 1-10? virtually no problems with this because I've not been hungry at all 4. Dumping? too much fat and I haven't tried anything with more than 9 grams of sugar 5. Tastes changed? Haven't really. Except I anticipate something new to try and it's usually anti-climatic! 6. craving sweets? Don't at all - I'm more a salt person. And, I've had fat free Pringles a couple of times. I also found a rice/almond cracker called NutThins that is really good. 7. Pre-op diet? Two weeks liquid diet and my primary drink was Thunder. 8. Eating out? I will have soup if there's something that appeals to me, or else usually chicken without sauces and potato/vegetable. 9. Spouses eating habits? Actually, they haven't changed. I cook all the same things for him I always have. If anything, he's gained weight! LOL 10. Vitamins? Chewable childrens, though I'm waiting for some samples I ordered of a powder to mix with water. I take chewable calcium citrate with vitamin D and chewable CoQ10. I get a B-12 injection monthly. It's interesting to see what everyone else does and get new ideas. Thanks for sharing! Audrey
Tony Hackworth
on 4/28/06 5:28 am - Prestonsburg, KY
1. What is your favorite protein source post-op? Unflavored Unjury mixed with Carb Countdown Choc milk. 2. What was your "last meal" pre-op? Pizza Hut 3. On a scale of 1-10 (ten being HARD), how hard is it to deal with "head hunger" post op? About a 2 and I'm thankful for that. 4. What do you dump on? (if you dump) Just like most people, anything more than 7 g of sugar or too much fat. 5. If your tastes have changed post-op, how have they changed? Haven't changed. 6. If you crave sweets post-op, how do you satiate that craving? Taking choc calcium citrate lol. 7. What kind of pre-op diet did you have to do? (2 weeks liquid, 1 week liquid, no pre-op diet, etc) High Protein Low carb, Liquids 48hrs before surgery. 8. How do you handle eating out in restaurants? (what do you order?) Chicken or Hamburger without bun and a few fries. 9. Has your spouses/ significant others eating habits changed since your surgery? If so, how? No not really at all. 10. How do you take your vitamins: chewed, swallowed whole, or crushed in food? (post-op question) Building Blocks chewables but gonna switch to capsules.
Gi G.
on 4/28/06 5:35 am
1. What is your favorite protein source post-op? Food, of course! LOL. I like protein, always have, fish sits very well, my pouch LOVES lobster;) 2. What was your "last meal" pre-op? Ummmm, a few weeks before we went to Outback, but after that I followed the diet. 3. On a scale of 1-10 (ten being HARD), how hard is it to deal with "head hunger" post op? 2 4. What do you dump on? nothing, yet, haven't pushed the envelope 5. If your tastes have changed post-op, how have they changed? no, I am surprised because EVERYONE said they would, I still like the things I liked, and don't like the things I don't ... protein shakes are more gross, if possible, but I think it's because of the sheer volume. 6. If you crave sweets post-op, how do you satiate that craving? no, I don't really have a sweet tooth. I have had a no sugar added Klondike bar, but the other sweet stuff, like the stallone pudding, I have to make myself eat for the greater good 7. What kind of pre-op diet did you have to do? 2 weeks prior I did HIGH protein, no carb, diet soda - no counting calories, 1 week prior I did HIGH protein, low carb, low calorie [around 1000] no more soda, 48 hours prior I did all protein, 24 hours prior was clear liquids only. 8. How do you handle eating out in restaurants? (what do you order?) Whatever I want, I like protein, so it's easy to eat that first. We don't go out a lot, so I consider the occasional treat of non-protein fine. 9. Has your spouses/ significant others eating habits changed since your surgery? If so, how? We haven't been eating the same meals together because we used to have a lot of beef, pork, spaghetti, and I'm not up to that stage yet. Since surgery it's been more 'fend for yourself' than before when he made us a family dinner every night. I think to some degree he feels guilty eating a steak [though I totally don't mind and tell him so!]. We've lost our dinner structure, but I expect that will pick back up eventually. 10. How do you take your vitamins: chewed, swallowed whole, or crushed in food? For about the past week to 10 days -- 2 Fizzy Scooby Doo multi vits, I let them fizz, it's fun [used to be chewable multivitamins from another brand]! 2 whole Calcium Citrate petites [they WON'T crush, prior to that I chewed Tums for calcium, 1 whole biotin [used to be crushed], sub-lingual B-12, my other Rx meds are swallowed whole [used to be crushed], last night I had a whole Midrin for the first time [used to open it in applesauce, yuck!] - I use the allergy med that dissolves in my mouth. xosm
on 4/28/06 5:59 am - Valley Village, CA
took this from the GA board. You know those twenty question emails that circulate that ask "chocolate or vanilla" or "what's your favorite holiday" so that you can get to know the sender better? Well, I want to do a WLS food related one. Please copy and paste the questions and then answer! We pre-op's would love to know! Short answers, please. 1. What is your favorite protein source post-op? Nectar Lemon Tea, light bonnebell cheeses, low fat cottage cheese. I can eat chicken and beef, but not consistently enough to feel comfortable with saying that it's my favorite. 2. What was your "last meal" pre-op? I really can't remember, I know I was eating everything in sight I knew I'd miss. I know I got a chiliburger in there somewhere. 3. On a scale of 1-10 (ten being HARD), how hard is it to deal with "head hunger" post op? Honestly, the first 6 weeks it was the hardest. And I still find that when I get really upset, one of my first thoughts is, I want to eat. 4. What do you dump on? (if you dump) I'm not sure if I've dumped, I have thrown up though on broccoli, red meat, and heavy garlicky food. 5. If your tastes have changed post-op, how have they changed? Really no sweet cravings at all, I dont miss it. And things dont exactly taste the way thy did. I dont really crave anything except for eggs and cheese still. 6. If you crave sweets post-op, how do you satiate that craving? Ummm I havent craved sweets much, except for chocolate. I can't stand anything aftificially sweetened, so I just dont really bother with it, because I know I'll be disappointed. 7. What kind of pre-op diet did you have to do? (2 weeks liquid, 1 week liquid, no pre-op diet, etc) I was SUPPOSED to do a 2 week liquid diet. Umm it ended up being more like a 5 day liquid diet, LOL! 8. How do you handle eating out in restaurants? (what do you order?) I order what I know I can eat without getting sick. Salad, usually with balsamic vinegar, if there's no low fat dressing, scrambled eggs, toast, chicken soup, sometimes I'll order chili from Wendy's, or a bean burrito (no cheese) from Taco Bell if Im doing fast food. I notice that with the exception of salad, my pouch doesnt like cold food much. I try to keep it warm and easy to digest. 9. Has your spouses/ significant others eating habits changed since your surgery? If so, how? YES! Completely. And it's funny b/c when I first started, he was kind of like, well that's fine for you, I support you, but I dont think I should have to eat that way. But now, since I've lost weight, he's totally doing protein drinks, and eating healthy. Our whole family is eating lighter, I do egg whites more, and whole eggs less, even for our youngest child, low fat cheese (I mean it still tastes the same , right???), and less carbs, more protein and fruit and veggies. And we have ALL lost weight! It's been amazing, very bonding. 10. How do you take your vitamins: chewed, swallowed whole, or crushed in food? (post-op question) I still take chewable vitamins, I do swallow whole green food tablets(which helps me with my green veggie intake).
Peggy G.
on 4/28/06 11:30 am - Clayton, NY
1. What is your favorite protein source post-op? EAS Advant Edge Carb Control protein shake, chocolate fudge flavor, yummy! 2. What was your "last meal" pre-op? Steak and baked potato with onion curls at Chili's. 3. On a scale of 1-10 (ten being HARD), how hard is it to deal with "head hunger" post op?Mine started out at a nine, but went down one point each week to where it is now non existent for me after 9.5 weeks. thank goodness! 4. What do you dump on? (if you dump) Oh my goodness I took my kids for icecream the other day and the baby's cone was dripping and out of habit I licked it only 3 times and got sick as a dog! Horrible i will never eat or even taste sugar again! 5. If your tastes have changed post-op, how have they changed? My tastes have changed that I like eating healthier cause I love how energetic and clean I feel! 6. If you crave sweets post-op, how do you satiate that craving? My Viactiv calcium chews in chocolate. I eat 3 a day so for me it feels like a little treat. 7. What kind of pre-op diet did you have to do? (2 weeks liquid, 1 week liquid, no pre-op diet, etc) No pre op diet really they just told me to lose 10 lbs and i did, i cut out fast food for a month and there it went, gone, just like that. 8. How do you handle eating out in restaurants? (what do you order?)well at the chinese restaurant i just ordered egg drop soup and ate a small piece of sushi. 9. Has your spouses/ significant others eating habits changed since your surgery? If so, how? The surgery hasn't affected hubby yet cause he has been in Iraq since my surgery. 10. How do you take your vitamins: chewed, swallowed whole, or crushed in food? (post-op question)Some days I eat 2 Flintstones, and some days I take a pre natal vitamin, just swallow it whole.
on 4/28/06 10:11 pm - Midlothian, VA
1. What is your favorite protein source post-op? Protect 2. What was your "last meal" pre-op? We had a party so a little of this and a little of that and a PEPSI, I knew I would never be able to drink one again for the rest of my life. 3. On a scale of 1-10 (ten being HARD), how hard is it to deal with "head hunger" post op? 10.5 4. What do you dump on? (if you dump) Cottage Doubles Strawberry (Never again) 5. If your tastes have changed post-op, how have they changed? I dont crave chocolate or bread anymore. 6. If you crave sweets post-op, how do you satiate that craving? I am so happy that is gone!!! Now I will have a piece of cantalope or some mandarin oranges. 7. What kind of pre-op diet did you have to do? Low fat 2 weeks high protein, low fat, to shrink the liver 8. How do you handle eating out in restaurants? (what do you order?) Last time I had some shrimp and mashies at applebees. 9. Has your spouses/ significant others eating habits changed since your surgery? If so, how? Well since I am the one who cooks. I have been making healthier choices. My son said he has lost 15 lbs. 10. How do you take your vitamins: chewed, swallowed whole, or crushed in food? (post-op question) take whole. My vitamins are small. Denise
on 4/28/06 11:15 pm - Spring Lake , NC
1. What is your favorite protein source post-op? Proteinex Liquid 2. What was your "last meal" pre-op? Mexican...Carnitas at La Hacienda 3. On a scale of 1-10 (ten being HARD), how hard is it to deal with "head hunger" post op? Not hard, I realize when I feel "head hunger", I am usually behind on my water and I load up. 4. What do you dump on? (if you dump) Only once, I added some Carnation powdered Malted Milk to my Carb Countdown chocolate milk. NOT FUN!! 5. If your tastes have changed post-op, how have they changed? I crave fish, Before I had to force myself to eat it. Last night I was wanting sardines...... I have NEVER eaten a sardine! 6. If you crave sweets post-op, how do you satiate that craving? Not an issue. 7. What kind of pre-op diet did you have to do? (2 weeks liquid, 1 week liquid, no pre-op diet, etc) Didn't have to do one. 8. How do you handle eating out in restaurants? (what do you order?) A cup of Gumbo, a piece of fish, just something small...I'm a cheap date now. 9. Has your spouses/ significant others eating habits changed since your surgery? If so, how? Yes, but it has been due to his own health issues. He had to have gallbladder surgery in fact and lost 20 pounds. He is now determined not to regain it. 10. How do you take your vitamins: chewed, swallowed whole, or crushed in food? (post-op question) Centrums chewables
on 4/29/06 2:55 pm - Atlanta, GA
1. What is your favorite protein source post-op? I can't have aspartame or nutrasweet so I have to find things made with sucralose or Splenda.Dannon Light'n Fit Carb&Sugar Control Smoothies made with Splenda, Carb Countdown milk, Breakstone Cottage Cheese in the little 4 packs. Now I eat boiled peanuts, soy nuts and edamame (freezer section-natural foods area) as my main protein snacks. I eat poached Tilapia, Sea bass, and sushi as well. 2. What was your "last meal" pre-op? I had 2 weeks of anything I could. You name it. The last night I had lobster before starting liquids. 3. On a scale of 1-10 (ten being HARD), how hard is it to deal with "head hunger" post op? The first three weeks on liquids is hard, like an 8. Then it's alot easier like a 6 when on pureed. Then like a 2 when you hit solid food. 4. What do you dump on? (if you dump) The only dumping like thing I have isI throw up when I eat too fast, that is all. I get pressure in my chest, the first time I thought I was having a heart attack, then throw up foam, then the food. I still can't eat any chicken, or salad greens, and I am 11 weeks post op. The throwing up has almost stopped now because I have learned to eat slower. 5. If your tastes have changed post-op, how have they changed? I don't see a major change in my tastes per se, just in my desire for certain foods. I don't crave as many carbs. I used to eat pasta, and rice. Now I don't even want them. I do eat small amounts of crackers pretzels, popcorn, and tortilla chips on occasion, crunchy carbs digest easy, soft carbs like bread stick like glue, and feel yucky to me now. 6. If you crave sweets post-op, how do you satiate that craving? I have my smoothies, and eat ice cream with Splenda, or Hunts puddings or gelatin with Splenda, or I have popsicles, yogurt, or applesauce, or sugarfree gum or my yummy Citracal creamy chews! 7. What kind of pre-op diet did you have to do? (2 weeks liquid, 1 week liquid, no pre-op diet, etc) 2 days of liquid, that's all. 8. How do you handle eating out in restaurants? (what do you order?) I order grilled shrimp, or filet mignon medium rare, and I have great success. I always have some to take home, or I split these meals with whoever I'm with. 9. Has your spouses/ significant others eating habits changed since your surgery? If so, how? My family eats less now, and they have also lost weight, just not as much of course. 10. How do you take your vitamins: chewed, swallowed whole, or crushed in food? (post-op question) I take 2- 4 One a day Bugs Bunny vitamin chewables(Splenda), and 3 Citracal calcium creamy chews, 2-2x aday Fiber Choice chewables (prevents dreaded constipation-trust me you don't want that), and 2-2x a day Pepcid Chewables (prevents nausea, and bubbles), I also chew a regular Thiamine (B-1 tablet) take liquid sublinqual B-12, and chew a Biotin tablet (to suppposedly prevent hair loss-so far so good!) The tablets I chew with the Bugs Bunny vitamins, or else they are bitter. Additionally: I also shampoo with Nioxin Protein Shampoo daily (prevents hairloss I'm told)*get it from your hairdresser or beauty supply store. Getting all the water in each day is hard. I drink SOBE Lean diet mango melon, which counts because the *******redient is water. It comes in 20 oz. bottles, and tastes amazing. Kroger carries it. I also buy the grape Water Sensations packets that you add to water and I love. Good luck to all of you pre-op persons. It is so worth it! I was off 13 meds I'd been taking for years in a matter of a week, and have lost 53 pounds in 11 weeks! People say I look younger, and I feel great. I'm down from a size 22-24 in Feb. to a size 14-16. Nothing tastes as good as thin feels! That's for sure! Hugs to all, Rebecca
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