New to Rhode Island
HI Everyone,
I just moved here from New York in January and I need to find out where the support meetings are. I would love to start getting back to the support world and we all need each other. I would also love to make some friends as I know and my husband is getting on my nerves already (haha).
Hope to meet you all soon, oh and I live in South Count but we all know you can drive RI pretty

hi there
most of us are patients of Rhode Island Hospital [dr's Roye, Ryder and Harrington].
Our meetings are held at the Gerry House on Rhode Island Hospitals Campus, on the first wednesday of the month. I believe the next meeting is May 3rd.
here's a link to a 3-D map of RIH. Most of the people part in lot B and walk to the Gerry House. Some chance it and park on borden St. but there's a ton of construction there, and i'm too afraid of my car getting hit! lol
Hope to see you there. I'm having my surgery done tomorrow, so I'm not sure I'll make it the meeting on the 3rd, but maybe?
enjoy RI! I'm a transplant living in Jamestown, so I'm always looking for Southern RI people to get to know.
Gi G.
on 4/25/06 2:46 pm
on 4/25/06 2:46 pm
That's a lot more than I've lost!
I don't love that the scale hasn't moved more, but I try to rely more on how I feel and the physical evidence that my health has improved.
Regarding my health, I'm on less b/p meds, no diabetes meds and testing fine, no more CPAP or snoring, sleeping better and less being out of breath.
I don't feel thinner, which I figure I should after 50 some odd pounds, but I am counting on two things, ONE - that my body image is something mentally I have to work on and TWO - I will lose more so some day I WILL be thinner.
I follow the rules to the best of my ability. I'm still dealing with a wound issue, so I haven't been able to exercise, but that it something I look towards tackling as I heal.
I TRY SO HARD not to compare myself to you guys who ARE losing faster and feeling better, but when I do, I ALLOW for us to be different and just accept myself for who I am right now.
Try not to get down on yourself, it's wasted energy, instead look towards what you ARE getting accomplished, what you ARE ALREADY doing right, and make some goals towards what you WANT TO BE doing. That's my best advice.
And IMHO, you're doing AWESOME! xosm
Hi, I think you are doing fine. I know I have slowed down on my weight loss. I had my surgery on Feb 28 and have lost 42 pds. So you are probably in the right ball park. I think everyone losses are at a different rate. so you cannot really compare. How are you feeling, are you clothes getting smaller. I have went from a 26-28 pants to a 22-24 and I can really feel the difference.
are you getting enough water and protein?
It will be gone before we know it. love marie
Please (!!!!!) don't compare yourself to others ! I know that we all constantly question if we are doing this or that right, but as long as you are getting in your protein and liquids, you are doing wonderful ! The weight didn't pile on in the matter of a couple of months but alot of us expect to loose it all so quickly. Also, be sure that you are eating enough. Too few calories and your body goes into preservation mode and it hoards everything that it can.
Keep up the great work and best of luck !!