I'm making my list for the hospital help!!

on 4/13/06 8:46 pm - Westerly, RI
Ok peeps....I'm making my list and checking it twice... What should I bring to the hospital when I go in on Wednesday... I don't want to be without something that I need....So please tell me!!! Teri
on 4/13/06 9:43 pm - West Kingston, RI
hi honey......... I guess the most important thing is those darn tongs, huh??? lol. But seriously, I'd bring some chapstick for sure since your water intake will decrease drastically. Wear comfy clothes in and you can just wear those back home. A pillow (they say it makes you feel better while there AND also helps during the ride home.....helps cushion the bumps and seat belt). A magazine or book or word search (just in case you do get bored). Someone said a small fan and I'm thinking hard about that because I get so hot all the time....maybe you don't. Personal hygiene items, but they'll have things for you to use there as well. Hair brush, pony tail holders and/or clips. Good (rubber soled) slippers so you can walk without risk of slipping!!!!!!!!!!! Be careful what kind of slippers you bring, you're going to be unsteady as it is, ...don't want to slip and fall. I wouldn't bother with a robe cause you won't get it over your IV's. You could bring a list of numbers in case you want to call some people if you're feeling up to it. And I'm bringing a pic of my girls, my grandbabies and my Porkchop (Tommy). I'll be going through all of this so that I can be healthier and happier for them and I may have to look at my pics from time to time to get strength and hope for my new future. I can't think of much else. They provide alot of what you'll need and MANY of the OH'ers said they definitely overpacked. I'm so happy for you girlfriend....if you find you need something else, just give a yell and I'll be happy to bring it up for you. I'm doing the same for Ms. Kristen...... Shel
Tammy H.
on 4/16/06 9:43 am - Greenville, OH
My hospital room was very stuffy...and I ask a nurse for a fan...She located one after an hour....Then it sat on the nurses station counter for another hour...Not one single person would bring it to me....Finally I had enough of being patient and buzzed for the nurses station....So my advice is to take a fan along.... I agree with taking the chapstick...I use carmex, it works really good... Might take an address book with all your phone numbers cuz after surgery sometimes you dont think so straight.... A phone card might be nice to take along if you have long distant calls to make.... Take a note book and ink pen along to start yourself a journal to write in daily....I started myself one, listing my beginning weight...comments about how nasty the protein broth and protein jello were....comments about the funny things my surgeon would say...Dr Derrick Martin is the BESTEST....I also wrote down my feelings, good and bad....Jotted down names of visitors, phone calls i received...gifts I got, and etc...Cussed about the liquid diet...shhhhhh dont tell anyone I said potty words......its our secret....I wrote down things like how I would give anything for a banana split, 3 large pizzas, 2 orders of McDonalds fries, and 15 pounds of bacon...Now I go back and reread my journal and laugh at myself....I had my surgery on the 27th of feb, and I write in it daily...I jot down recipes that I get from folks here on obesity help....I also wrote down all the test i had prior to surgery....and also all my appointments that I go to now, listing medications that I no longer have to take....Jot down food that made me dump...and the list could go on and on.... Take stationary, and stamps along to write a few letters thanking your family and friends for support.... Take sanitary pads along, incase you start the monthly thing....that happens sometimes after surgery...I did for me, and I was lucky to have my own along...Hospital pads would fit an elephant....lol Long, and uncomfy.... Hope that I was able to help some....Good luck, and may God bless you...
on 4/16/06 10:07 am - Westerly, RI
Hi Tammy, Thanks for the list, I will be sure to get everything I need tomorrow. As for the fan....they told me that I can't bring anything to the hospital that needs to be plugged it. I can't bring my BLOWDRYER....that's killing me LOL So as for a fan, unless I find a battery operated one, I guess I can't have it. I just finished my monthly so I don't think I will need to bring anything like that... Teri
on 4/16/06 12:26 pm - East Providence, RI
Hi Hun!!! Listen, don't worry about the fan issues, my hubby spent almost a month in Rhode Island Hospital the end of last January till mid February and we were lucky enough to have a fan right in his room when we got there. The reason why its a no-no for things that plug in is because its an insurance liability. If you bring in something and for reason there is a fire they are screwed. That's why it's such a project bringing something electrical into the hospital. I even had to hide my cell phone charger when certain people came in the room. I can see their point. Anyhow, don't worry about anything you may need. You may find you don't need half the crap ya bring. After three surgeries and three babies I've learned less is soo much better. Less to lose, less to schlep home, Less to worry about. Also, Rhode Island Hospital is wonderful when it comes to "people of size". My husband is 6'5 and 500lbs so "normal" johnnies are a face cloth to him..lol They have "Big Boy" Johnnies witch are like an 8x ( I say 8x cuze my hubby wears a 6x and the johnnies were swimming on him) and "Big Boy" Beds. These beds are awesome!!!! They are a little smaller then a full size but they have ton of functions! Not only can you sit up in them and have your legs go up like a normal hospital bed but this bed raises you to a vertical position!!! Like you're sitting in a big recliner!!! You raise your legs first then the whole bed tips upward. If you don't raise the legs, when the bed goes into a vertical, you will be standing completely straight up. It's hard to explain but it's wonderful! I'm soo glad I'm not with Dr. Phole cuze if I was then I'd be going to St. Josephs Hospital. My sister-in-law had her surgery when my husband was ill in Rhode island and after seeing his care at Rhode Island she was not at all thrilled with the care at St. Joes. She had post op issues that scared the hell out of her and she was made to feel it was no big deal. She was having massive bloody diarrhea and nobody could tell her what it was from. She was dry heaving and nauseous and when she called for something for this there was no sense of urgency. It took them forever to get to her. I understand this happens, but what she said was she got this feeling like they were getting aggravated cuze the "fat" girl couldn't do anything for herself and was whining again. .Then on top of it when the food trays came up at lunch time, they gave her normal food!!!!! Good thing she was smart enough to say that she didn't think she should have it. I know there is good and bad at every hospital but I'm soo thankful to be going to Rhode Island. I almost feel like I'm going in to see old friends there. lol Twisted I know..lol Anyways before I ramble on more, I'm so excited for you!!! Good Luck and know we are all rooting for you!!! ~~~~NaDene~~~~
Kristen *
on 4/16/06 12:56 pm - Jamestown, RI
hey teri.. bring pads. i know, i know.. you just had yours - but believe me - there's a VERY good chance you'll get one again. every single time i've had surgery, i get mine immediately after. it's just one of those things.. even if I had finished two days before.. i still get it. and the hospital ones are AWFUL. Might as well shove a pillow between your legs. lol and yeah - they're serious about not bringing in anything to plug into the hospital. my father is the head of biomedical technology at some of the hospitals in Boston - and it's a HUGE liability if someone were to plug something not checked first into the outlet. [think about what might happen "if" someone shorted out a circuit... what kind of damage it might cause.] so hospitals should be very concerned about that. especially if it's an older hospital without up to date electrical wiring. oy. it's getting so close!!!! my stomach has been in knots!
Tammy H.
on 4/16/06 10:51 am - Greenville, OH
I think they just mean blowdryers and curling irons when it comes to electrical because of the possibility of wet floors in the bathroom....I would call the hospital and ask if its ok to bring an electric fan.... as for the pads, I went almost 6 years without a period....and the day after my surgery, I started mine for a few days...Might wanna take pads just in case.... Good luck
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