Two Months, Two Weeks And Two Days!!!!

on 4/11/06 10:05 am - East Providence, RI
Two Months, Two Weeks And Two Days!!!! I can't freakin wait!!!! I'm so looking farwood to this not only because of the surgery but because I will be getting a nice little vacation from work for the last week of June and first week of July! I wasn't up for one due to not being at the company long enough but I'm getting one anyways. I've opted to not tell them whats up. I've decided that when the time comes for my pre-op teaching class I will spring it on them then. All I'm telling them though is that I'm having my gallbladder out. I work in a very gossipy place and what I do is my own thing. I know that because I have a low bmi and I look lighter then I really am alot of people will feel the need to give me their two cents. I'm all set with that thak you!! lol They will be on a need to know basis, they will need to know what I decided to tell them.. lmao So for now I'll be here doing my count down getting more and more excited!!! Hugs To all My Sisters!!!!! We Are On Our Way!!!!!!!!!! ~~NaDene~~
on 4/11/06 8:25 pm - Westerly, RI
NaDene, I don't blame you about telling people at work...its none of their business...I would do the same thing if I worked for a big company. I work in Real Estate so its a small office and basically we are independent contractors. I am having Dr Ryder do my surgery so that it can be done gallbladder is real bad so Dr Roye thinks its a good idea. It's in one week and I can't tell you how nervous I am right now. But it'll be alright....I'm thinking positive. Hugs to you.... Teri
on 4/11/06 9:02 pm - West Kingston, RI
Hi beautiful.........where the heck have you been? I was getting a bit worried about you. Anyway, I agree with you that we all have our own reasons for "telling" or "not telling" anyone at work about the surgery. Me? I'm a tazmanian devil when crossed the wrong way and they know it. LOL. I told some of them about the surgery, but most don't want to say anything bad....and some just don't want to go there at I work in a VERY large company setting and talk about gossip (grrrrr), ....but I figure, why worry about the things I can't change....and I certainly can't change that. Believe me, I've heard my name floating around more that once around this place. So most of the people I work with know why I'll be off work. I haven't heard anything about WLS so far, but if I do, I don't care. I really could care less about some of these people that talk about everyone elses business but don't have a good grasp of their own.....ya know? Whatever! I can lose weight...they can't get a better personality, character or integrity. That's how I see it. So with that said, I totally understand your reasoning behind your decision. It's totally up to you and what makes you comfortable. I'll be at RIH checking on Teri and Kristen very soon.......and then shortly thereafter, it will be YOUR turn!!! YAY! The time will fly by, trust me. Glad all is well in your neck of the woods. {{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}} Shel
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