Hereee's Nurse KEllIE....I'M HERE!!!!!!! I'm back!!!!!!
Well ladies and gents: it has been an interesting week...long story told as short as possible,,,,,SURGERY LAP GBP with LAP GallBladder, I did very well post op for me. Anthesia held on to me until well into Wednesday. I was so sleepy , :-l I did not think I was ever going to wake up.
Felt a little ill on Wednesday, had a ct scan and show all was well. By Friday Morning FELT GREAT.....was d/c'd home at 6pm..went home and took a nap and then a shower hung out with my sweety then went to bed about 10 got up at 11 for some tylenol and went back to bed..........
then at 2 am got up with diarrhea that lasted for hours . I thought it was the tylenol I took but avast it was not.
I had to be brought back to the ER the next day (Saturday) at 245 pm. Hung out there for ten hours and was readmitted to 5ISC with an intestinal infection that I need antibotics and lot of rehydration. Dr Roye and the Surg 1 Team have been wonderfull. The staff at the Hospital are great and my crew from the unit ; I love you all and thank you so much for taking such good care of me and making me feel so loved and well cared for during all of this. The infection had nothing to do with the type of surgery I had, just that my natural flora was reduced and I had taken care of some very very sick patients just 48 hours prior to my own suurgery and antibotics.
I hate being a patient...... i much rather be on the other side of the bed......
I am hoping to be home tomorrow and will be updating my profile soon. Thank you to Jen and Cheryl, who have been checking on me for the last week. It feel great to know that someone else cares (besides family:HA HA) Thanks for being my angels...
God Belss All.... Nurse Kellie (Now Patient Kellie):
I am homeeeeeeeeee YEAHHHHHHH
but as you know by now, i have a little OCD (Obessive complusive disorder...LOL) so I had to clean my entire house before i could even take a shower or rest..... the guys were great help ( cause they knew that they really didnt have a choice) plus i promised six flags next week too...... kellie
Hi Kellie!
Great to have you home and doing better! I'm sorry you had some minor complications but like you said it wasn't due to the surgery and you should be okay.
Welcome to the LOSING side girl!!! Dr. Roye is awesome and I wouldn't have had anyone else do my surgery for me. The staff at RIH is FANTASTIC and VERY COMPASSIONATE! Keep us all updated on your progress!
Hi Kellie! So glad to hear that everything went well! I have been thinking about and praying for you. Hope you're on the losing side soon! Always remember that HE loves you and has called you by name. As for me, I go to Dr. Pohl's seminar tommorow and I am praying that I find the answers that I seek.
Susan L.