Adhesions from radiation. Will this keep me from having surgery?
I was just wondering if anyone has any in put on something I'm hoping won't keep me from surgery. I've had radiation on my abdomen in 2000 for cancer that was in my abdominal lymph nodes and for cervical cancer. In January 2004 I had my gallbladder out and the surgeon said I had adhesions. He said it took 45 minutes to separate the adhesions but to remove the gallbladder it self only took 5 minutes. He said it was the fastest gallbladder removal he ever did. I hope this won't be a issue for me as far as surgery goes. I have my first appt. set up for October 28th to see Dr. Dieter Pohl and in the mean time I'm getting all my pre. op test done. I just hope I don't get all this done and get there and he tells me this surgery is not an option for me.
Any input would be great