I have my initial consult date!
Hi Jackie,
I have Dr. Pohl as a surgeon, not Dr. Harrington but the first visit is probably similar. He'll probably ask you what you have tried to do in the past to try to lose weight. He'll explain the procedure in full so you understand what you are really getting into. Then if you agree you want to continue with the surgery he will tell you what you have to do for pre-op procedures and set up a folllow-up date with him. I wish you luck with your journey. When is your initial consult with the Doc? Lisa
Helen is just terrific. She will ask you alot of questions about your history with weight loss attempts. She will tell you about the testing you will have to go through to see if you will have the surgery. Don't be nervous and good luck. Dale ( I had Dr. Roye and have been out 3 weeks and doing great. )
Hi Jackie, I did well with sugar free instant breakfast, Pro Score 100 protein powder, Welches no sugar popsicles, and crystal lyte the first two weeks. Now I can do creamed soup, hot cereal and did a meatball very mashed up with sauce. I have been very lucky so far and have not had any complications. So far so good. I feel good and have no pain and walk daily. I had an open surgery and the drain and staples came out 2 weeks post op. I think a positive attitude will help you more thananything else. Hope to hear from you. Dale