Surgery 12/29
I am having surgery this coming Monday. Excited but have the usual worries. I am a type 1 diabetic so I have a little bit more to be concerned about. I am seeking other type 1 diabetics who have had the wls. I also would like to know where support groups are in RI. I just moved here from MA. and although my surgery will be in Boston I would like to get invloved in meetings in RI. I am from Cumberland. Thank you
The bariatric surgery support group meets at the Gerry House (in the Rhode Hospital Campus, Providence)You can email me for directions if you are interested in going.
The meetings are either the first or second Wednesday night of each month and start at 6:30pm. The next ones are January 7th and February 4th. They also sell protein stuff there like pudding and broth with protein in them. Good luck with your surgery.