I need a heads up
Hi Everyone,
I have a cardiology consult coming up on the 28th. I am going to Dr. Pohl for my surgery. What can I expect from the cardiology consult? The fact that it is a consult, does that mean I have to go back?
Anyone who goes to Dr. Pohl and went to his recommendation for this test, let me know what happened. Also, I have a sleep apnea test on the 18 of next month. Is that a consult too? Do I have to go back for the sleep study? :shrug" My appointment with Dr. Pohl is on the 20th of Nov. I don't know if he is going to have my test results back to make a decision on whenever or not he is going to do the surgery. Any help for those who went though it would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Joanne,
I don't have Dr. Pohl, I go to Dr. Roye and I didn't have any cardio consult but I can tell you my sleep study experience. The first visit was a consult and at that appointment the doctor set me up with 2 sleep studies, one week after another. They said if I did have sleep apnea I would go back on the second visit and do the study again but this time with a cpap machine on to see if that corrects the problem. I only had very mild sleep apnea so I didn't have to do the second study.
I would guess your appointment is a consult unless they told you to bring your pj's and be prepared to stay for 8+ hours. I went to my sleep study at 8pm and left at 5:30am.
Hope this helps!