I love the fact that we have a message board for RI but it doesn't seem to get used all that often. Where is everyone? I come here for support and no one posts. I have read all the old posts twice! When I went to a support meeting there were plenty of people there.
Please people, use the board more often...even if it just to say hi. It is nice to know that I am not alone out there. You are all an inspiration to me and others. I can only learn from you, books aren't personal enough. It is your thoughts, experiences, fears, hopes, and dreams that I learn from.
I hope to read more from you all. Have a Happy Halloween.

Hi Joanne!!! Me again!! I replied to your October 16th posting. I just found out tonight that we even had a state by state message board. How cool is that!!! My name is Mickey Craig. I have a profile you can check out if you wish. Now that I know we have our own message board I will post!! Hugs Mickey
Joanne my email is [email protected] ... I have aol im maybe we an talk through there.. Reyes722 is my name for that as well... We can support each other as we both go through the process of the stupid insurance company... I still have not yet to get an answer so i sent out 13 more letters.. I am gonna keep sending them till they answer me!!!..
God Bless