WOOHOO! My consult date was moved up!

Hi Joanne, my name is Mickey. I am in preop right now and am over half way done. I don't have a surgery date yet but Dr. Roye will be doing my surgery. I just had my psych evaluation done yesterday with Dr. Freidman on the east side of Providence. and I had my pulmonary tests and ekg and chest x-rays done already. I am having the stress test done on Wednesday morning October 22,2003. My last 2 tests are scheduled for November 21. Then I go back to Dr. Roye fopr him t go over all of my tests results and at that time if I passed all of my tests he will schedule a surgery date for me. Keep me posted on how you are doing hon. You can email me at [email protected] just type MICKEY MICKEY MICKEY in the subject line so catch my attention........lol So i dont delete your email. Because I run a graphic group and a diet group on AOL. Big Hugs Mickey