Does anyone have any connections to get me through faster???
I don't think there are any doctors with NO or little waiting times. And if there are any, I'd question how awesome they are! In RI, the main surgeons are Dr. Dean Roye and Dr. Dieter Pohl. I'm not sure how long Roye's waiting list is, but last I heard, I think it was about 5 month wait just to get an appt for a consult with Pohl. I could be wrong. Once you get the initial appt, things can move along fairly quickly if you can get your pre-ops done in short order. Since you'd already started the process, and don't need an in depth explanation of the operation, maybe you can get in a little sooner? And if you've already done some of your pre-op tests, that should speed things up a bit too. I would try calling their offices and explaining your situation and maybe they can do something to get you in earlier.