Anyone got a tummy tuck covered by insurance?
Hi Christine,
I just had a tummytuck and breast augmentation with Dr. Liu from Roger Williams Hospital. It was not covered by insurance but they do have a finance program. He is less costly than other surgeons. I am very happy with his work.
It cost me $8000 for the surgeon, $2298 for the hospital stay and $1545 for the anesthesia. Fortunately I had the money to pay ca**** was suppose to be part of a down payment for a summer home that fell through for my husband and I. So, I figured if we bought a new car, it would run around $25,000 and would only last a few years, my surgery will last a lot longer. Just thought those words of encouragement might help you to go for it someday even if it isn't covered. I know most people have it covered if they have consistent yeast infections or their panni is in the way of their everyday movement. I only had a pound and a half of skin removed. But, I feel like a million dollars.
Good luck
PS Why don't you come to the meetings at RWH anymore?