I sympathize with you Kathleen. I had the band 5 yrs ago, lost 60 lbs and gained back 55 so I am now looking into revision surgery. Do you attend any of the support group meetings at either Roger WIlliams Hospital or The Merriam Hospital? I always found those encouraging "back in the day" and have started attending again now, while wading through the approval process for another surgery.
Here is a link to the support group meetings at The Miriam Hospital r-bariatric-surgery/weight-loss-striders-keys-to-success.htm l and here is a link for support group meetings at Roger Williams ups.aspx
I've lost touch with Julie but she was a great coach and wonderful friend! I believe she passed the support group on to someone else after she got sick. Don't ask me the specifics, I'm not sure what's wrong but she didn't feel well enough to continue hosting the Living Life support group sessions that she championed from the beginning.
Maybe I'll see you there sometime!