I don't understand people sometimes!
I, personally, don't think you are being too sensitive about this. I choose to share only what I want, when I want, with whomever I want. It's no one's business except mine.
I don't mind sharing how much weight I've lost with ANYone but I don't tell EVERYone about my weightloss tool.
I will not be shy to tell someone that I won't share certain information with them.
When someone asks me how I lost the weight (and I don't want to tell them about my tool or don't have time to share with them), I tell them....."I eat less, exercise more & watch my calorie intake" period.
However, as time goes on, I share my WLS secret with more and more people because I would love to help someone who may be considering it for themselves.
There are so many myths about WLS out there. It would be nice to hear someone say "I knew this woman who had WLS and is a success!" Instead of "I knew this woman who had WLS and gained all her weight back...or...who died...or...who had complications...or....___(fill in the blank)_____".
I hope this helps!
Have a great weekend Jayne!
For Info about Rhode Island Support Groups, please email me! [email protected]
Now I say thank you and try to cut the conversations short. I literally had to tell the exercise queen that she was embarassing me and that I lost a "good amount" of weight without telling her exactly how much.
I like the compliments, yet people ask stupid questions and don't think. "Keep it up" is the thing that drives me crazy!!! Just stop talking and say a nice thing and leave it at that. "Keep it up" has a negative connotation like "you will not keep it up". It is a stupid thing to say and sometimes I call people out in it.
One neighbor said to me"I can tell you have lost weight, its like you should have done it 10 years ago" WHat I nice compliment, huh??? People say such STUPID things!!!
Yet, others just say "you look great!"
Just laugh about it and sometime call them out when they say something stupid. Then they will be the embarassed one!!
Oh and by the way, if it someomen I dont care to tell about my tool, I say that "I am taking better care of myself," which is the truth, isn't it???

I had the same thing a few months ago happen to me at work. This was not a close friend who ask me or was it a family member. I am very open with my wieght loss but, for someone I am not close too I don't feel the need to open up on how much I loss or what is my weight. I mean really even people who have not had this surgery do you hear them Yelling I WEIGHT bla bla bla . Nope.......
My reply to this girl was:
I am sure you Mother and Father tought you never to ask a women her weight! Just know that I am losing weight and living a Healthy and Happy Live. I thank you so much for asking.
Then I walked away. I think she still picking up her jaw. Mind you I did this with a smile on my face the whole time.
I don't think your being Sensitive at all. Your aciting normal like most women will act about how much is there weight? Feel no shame in telling who and when and where you want about anything about yourself.