Baby Steps......
Thank you to everyone who answered my last post. I know that the logical answer to my issue is to just change doctor's, but as all of you know, every doctor seems to have a different protocol that they want you to follow in preparation for surgery. I have been through all the visits and all the testing for Dr. Giovanni and I just don't want to have to start all over again if another doctor looks for different tests or different visits, etc. However, I am considering all my options and with some great help from Deb T. (thanks!) I have decided to at least set up a consult with Dr. Ryder as a back up plan. 
Anyway, the good news is that I FINALLY heard back from Dr. Giovanni's office today. She told the nurse that I need a letter of clearance from my Endocrinologist and then another office visit before she will reschedule. Fortunately I already have an appt with my Endocrinologist Wednesday, so I am hoping he will write me a clearance letter while I am there and I can fax it to Dr. G's office when I get back from the visit. They wouldn't schedule my next visit until after they got the letter, so hopefully by the end of this week I can get an office visit scheduled and finally get to talk to Dr. G face to face about all of this.
Thank you to you all for listening to my rants all the time. I honestly don't know how I would get through all this without you guys!!!

Anyway, the good news is that I FINALLY heard back from Dr. Giovanni's office today. She told the nurse that I need a letter of clearance from my Endocrinologist and then another office visit before she will reschedule. Fortunately I already have an appt with my Endocrinologist Wednesday, so I am hoping he will write me a clearance letter while I am there and I can fax it to Dr. G's office when I get back from the visit. They wouldn't schedule my next visit until after they got the letter, so hopefully by the end of this week I can get an office visit scheduled and finally get to talk to Dr. G face to face about all of this.

Thank you to you all for listening to my rants all the time. I honestly don't know how I would get through all this without you guys!!!

Our future is what we make it. We have to work our own magic to make our life spectacular" - Teresa White