Hair loss? Hair color? help?
Ok... for the women on this forum who color their hair. I am very nervous to color my hair ( something I have done for years), because I am now starting to lose hair. I am afraid that the process of coloring my hair may cause the hair to fall out more aggresively. You know how it is hard to rinse out? Well, like that. Any experiences or advise?? I really want to color it. HELP!!
Thanks! Eldy

Well, Lisa, the timing is exactly like yours. But I had to do it. I couldn't take the roots anymore. You may get another letter in a couple of months saying "why did i do this??" But thanks to you, I will know what to expect if it happens and go "she warned me!" LOL I do appreciate you input! Thanks again Lisa! Eldy
Hi Eldy,
Sorry we haven't really got a chance to talk much at the meeting but I know your doing well and you look fantastic!!!!
I made the mistake of coloring my hair 4 months out, I was losing some hair at the time but not much. However, now I am 6 months out and my hair is falling out by the handfuls. I am taking biotin but I don't see any change and I have spent so much money on hair products from the salon and Sally's with little to no results so far. I could use to touch up my roots but I am to scared to color it again, I'm afraid I'll be bald soon. lol
Sorry, I know this is not the answer you was looking for but I thought you should know my personnel experience. If you do find something that works can you pass it along.
Sorry we haven't really got a chance to talk much at the meeting but I know your doing well and you look fantastic!!!!
I made the mistake of coloring my hair 4 months out, I was losing some hair at the time but not much. However, now I am 6 months out and my hair is falling out by the handfuls. I am taking biotin but I don't see any change and I have spent so much money on hair products from the salon and Sally's with little to no results so far. I could use to touch up my roots but I am to scared to color it again, I'm afraid I'll be bald soon. lol
Sorry, I know this is not the answer you was looking for but I thought you should know my personnel experience. If you do find something that works can you pass it along.
Hi Cathy. Yeah I did it. It seems ok. I haven't lost anymore hair than I was before I dyed it. I figured if there was a problem i could go to this hair extension place here in warwick. I have a friend who has naturally very thin hair and went there and they matched her hair so perfect, you would never know there were extensions. So I knew there were options. But it REALLY needed to be colored. LOL I feel better now. Thanks! Eldy