hospital visit
hi all...
i just finished reading everyones posts...i see there are some good and some not so good..but we'll get through...
i am about to cave in and call the dr. i saw jeremy last thursday, and i was suppose to report in today. apparently my intake is still not anywhere near what it should be, and there are some concerns. there is also a concern that the opening to my stomach may not be big enough to let much pass through, and maybe that's why i am having some issues...( you were right on eldy..)
so needless to say the dr wants to admit me for some iv therapy, and to get my protein back on track...and possibly scope me...
i am dreading this!!!!!!! i am going to wait until i see heather on thursday and see if there is anything else she may suggest.... guess i am just holding out as long as i can before being held hostage by an iv pole!!!!
i will certainly keep you all posted on what happens...
the more i think about it, i should've done it the past few days while it was crappy now that the sun is about to return i will be indoors....damn it!
ok... enough venting...
hope all is well
take good care
i just finished reading everyones posts...i see there are some good and some not so good..but we'll get through...
i am about to cave in and call the dr. i saw jeremy last thursday, and i was suppose to report in today. apparently my intake is still not anywhere near what it should be, and there are some concerns. there is also a concern that the opening to my stomach may not be big enough to let much pass through, and maybe that's why i am having some issues...( you were right on eldy..)
so needless to say the dr wants to admit me for some iv therapy, and to get my protein back on track...and possibly scope me...
i am dreading this!!!!!!! i am going to wait until i see heather on thursday and see if there is anything else she may suggest.... guess i am just holding out as long as i can before being held hostage by an iv pole!!!!
i will certainly keep you all posted on what happens...
the more i think about it, i should've done it the past few days while it was crappy now that the sun is about to return i will be indoors....damn it!
ok... enough venting...
hope all is well
take good care
I know that you don't want to be inside and tied to a pole, but if Dr. P thinks that's what is best for you, maybe you should think about it? I mean, isn't that why we pay him the big bucks??
I hope things start working out for you. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
If you need anything, please holler at me!! Or yell gently, I might be sleeping. LOL
~kelly jo
Hey Linda!
Oh Man!!! What a major bummer!
I have to agree with Kelly Jo though. The longer you wait, the worse you'll feel and more chance of becoming unhealthy!
Fingers crossed and saying a prayer for you!
For Info about Rhode Island Support Groups, please email me! [email protected]
Linda, I love ya and say this with the best of intentions for you... bite the bullet and do as the good surgeon says. Talking to Heather is NOT going to help in this situation. If your opening is too small, Heather cannot fix it. Only Dr. P can. It is not as bad as all that. For now you will probably only stay a very short time on the IV fluids. The stretching of the opening is just the same as an endoscopy and you know how easy that was. You keep waiting, and you will be in the hospital even longer with more severe symptoms. Did you go to all this trouble just to play games with your health??? This is not just a little ole diet you used to do, this is LIFE CHANGING and you need to do what is RIGHT and HEALTHY for you! Suck it up and just do it and get it over with so you can enjoy the rest of your summer!!!
Ok I'm all done chewing you out. Like I said, I really care about you and want you better! Love ya! Eldy
Ok I'm all done chewing you out. Like I said, I really care about you and want you better! Love ya! Eldy
thank you for all your concerns...and words of wisdom
ok... so here it is... i called dr p, and he is satisfied with my fluid intake for now... i have definately forced em' in....he is not ready to scope me just yet, because he thinks that it is still healing, and it's just taking longer than normal because of the lack of protein( which helps the healing process)... i also need to start taking vitamins and prilosec faithfully!!!!!!!!!
so now i am forcing in the protein... any way i can get it!!!!!!!! so much as to even plugging my nose while drinking it...i am back to shakes atleast 2x's a day....
all i can say is i thought i was going to be the model patient and thought this was going to be the easy part...taking vitamins, drinking a couple shakes a day... yeah right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! who knew i was going to turn into a nightmare!!!!!!!
i'll keep you posted
ok... so here it is... i called dr p, and he is satisfied with my fluid intake for now... i have definately forced em' in....he is not ready to scope me just yet, because he thinks that it is still healing, and it's just taking longer than normal because of the lack of protein( which helps the healing process)... i also need to start taking vitamins and prilosec faithfully!!!!!!!!!
so now i am forcing in the protein... any way i can get it!!!!!!!! so much as to even plugging my nose while drinking it...i am back to shakes atleast 2x's a day....
all i can say is i thought i was going to be the model patient and thought this was going to be the easy part...taking vitamins, drinking a couple shakes a day... yeah right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! who knew i was going to turn into a nightmare!!!!!!!
i'll keep you posted
Glad to hear you're doing better. Remeber, one day at a time. Just keep doing what the dr. tells you and you'll be ok. And listen to the people on this board who've been here before us.......... I know I do!!!!!!! I'm afraid of them !!!!!!!
(Just kidding.) They've been through it already, we're just finding out!!!! Hope you continue to get healthy!!!~~~~~~Kim