on 6/14/09 4:37 am
So, I had my surgeries on the 10th and I flew through everything.
No pain, no vomiting. A breeze. I was up and walking almost immediately. I took a shower the next day. NO PAIN meds, not hungry. Dr. Pohl, did you really do anything??? My lungs wouldn't completely inflate and I didn't have bowel sounds until Sunday but other than that (and one *****y nurse) everything went so good. Got home and I HAVE GAINED 15 LBS IN 5 DAYS!!! WTF!!! I was 269 the day of surgery and now am 285. Now I realize some of it must be water weight in my tissues from the IV but 15 freakin' pounds??? This is disheartening.
on 6/14/09 4:44 am - Warwick, RI
Wow, Patti, that is so different from what I usually hear about.  I think I would call Dr. Pohl's office tomorrow and ask him, "what's up?".  What did he say when you told him your lack of symptoms?  Did he think that was unusual?  or that you were just really lucky?  I don't know alot about medical things, but I am wondering if there could be a blockage or kink that is keeping things inside and thats what causing the weight gain.  Yeah, I would definetly call the office tomorrow and find out whats going on.    Good luck and please let us know how your doing.   Eldy
Faith sees the invisible, Believes the incredible, and Receives the impossible. - anonymous
on 6/14/09 7:21 am
I had my surgery 9 days before you, was in pain the day of and morning after but still walked because that's what they told me to do. Sorry to hear about your excess fluid......are you peeing? I didn't have the fluid retention but have heard others have,,,,,,,,,I would call the doctors if you don't notice a large improvement by tomorrow. Also sorry about the nurse, I'm a nurse and it really sucked being the patient !!!!!! Keep us posted~~~~~~~Kim

on 6/14/09 7:36 am
Hey Kim, I am a nurse also and my date is set for 6/30 - I am getting more and more frightened - never have had to stay the night in the hosptial let alone 2  - never had a "medical leave" from work in my entire life - no childbirth either.  I am 42 and feel like I am 5.  Anywords of advice.  My surgery is at the miriam and my doc. is Dr.V.


on 6/14/09 8:30 am - cumberland, RI
Dr. Pohl actually told me that it was normal to put on 10 or so pounds and that I shouldn't be surprised if I had gained weight (I did gain about 8) but that weight was gone after I was home about 2-3 days.  I also had a couple of nurses that were less than ideal.  I think if you are still concerned tomorrow you should call Dr. Pohl's office.
on 6/14/09 9:58 am - Fort Worth, TX
Revision on 05/20/15 with
Hi Patti

I had weight gain after both of my surgeries but within a week it was gone, just like you mine was between 10 - 15.  I had more after the RNY than I did with the band.  As for pain, just like you I didn't have any issues with either surgery.  Actually my stomach was more sensative with the band then when he did the RNY, think it was because of the port.  When he did go in and do the RNY and removed the band I had discomfort where my port used to be and where he placed the drain but it wasn't pain.  

I had vomitting for 24 hours after surgery but that was because I ended up being allergic to morphine, once they switched me to toradol I was great.  Jeremy had a prescription for me to go home with for pain meds and I told him I was all set.  Never took any pain meds with my gall bladder, 2 WLS, or my hysterectomy - guess I have a good tolerance or am very lucky.  

I also have issued like you with lungs inflating completely and bowel sounds / movement.  I've had over 29 surgeries and every time it is the same old thing.  Within a few days my lungs are good - usually they send me home with that plastic thing to breathe into or give me an albuterol treatment, and its a good 4 days or so before I'm passing gas & going to the bathroom. 

Sorry you didn't have great nurses, that can make for a long stay.  I had 1 nurse at RWMC that was not my favorite we'll say but for the most part I've had great care there.  

Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain.- Author unknown


Cynthia E.
on 6/14/09 10:53 am - Cranston, RI
 Sorry that you are a little concerned.  You can be sure that a weight gain like that is all fluid and will go away quickly as long as you are moving around it should not be an issue.  While I was not as lucky as you in the pain department I did gain 22 pounds in fluid while I was in the hospital.  It was gone by the end of that first week.  Keep doing the breathing exercises so that your lungs will not be at risk.  Good luck and welcome to the losers bench.

on 6/14/09 11:16 am
    I was very lucky not to have any pain wasn't I? I do have a very high tolerance to pain. I have 3 different kinds of arthritis and you have to just bear it most days. I have had 2 total knee replacements and they were MUCH more difficult than the bariatric surgery. You are in intense pain, open surgery, are in the hospital for a week, a rehab center for another week, out of work for 3 months and have to learn to walk again. T10, 11 and 12 of my spine are shot, my hands are deformed and I have arthritis in my neck and feet on top of all that. That is the main reason why I have to get rid of all this weight. My skeleton just cannot carry it around anymore.
     It was very reassuring to hear that many of you gained fluid after the surgery and lost it almost immediately.  (yes I am voiding at least 500cc an hour and drinking my water). Another thing I just remembered is that I take HCTZ (fluid pill) for my high blood preasure and have not taken it since last week per Dr. Pohl's orders. I am suppose to start taking it tomorrow and I bet I'll be running to the john all day!
     There was only one *****y nurse (in fact several of the patients were talking about writing a complaint about her. However I LOVED another nurse named Christine. She was an Asian nurse who when she gave you the hepperin shot in the stomach she would tickle the other side of your stomach. She called it giving you the jiggely. She was a doll and more than made up for the other one.
     The other down side is that they had me in a room with a 91 year old woman (sweet lady) but they would bring her trays of food and she would go on and on about how good it was and did I want any. Too funny. She couldn't understand why I wasn't eating. "Honey, you should at least try." I was told that Dr. Pohl doesn't like his patients to be roomies because they compare notes too much. I don't know about anyone else but I get alot of support from talking to others that are going through this or have already been (ie the post operative fluid gain).
Julie Nolan
on 6/15/09 8:08 am - RI

Hey Patty!

Welcome to the losers' bench! On average, most of us gain at least ten pounds right after the surgery because of the water weight from the I.V. fluids. It'll go down...I promise. I gained 11 pounds while in the hospital then lost it...and much more... by the time I saw Dr. Pohl for my post-op visit. No worries, k?

Keep on sipping, taking your vitamins and stay vigilent with that protein. Your body will do what it needs to do.

Do you feel up to going to the 'Living Life' group meeting Wednesday? (7-9pm/Greene Lounge). Our guest is a Nutritionist so bring any post-op questions you may have!

You're doing great!



For Info about Rhode Island Support Groups, please email me!  [email protected]

on 6/15/09 11:10 pm - RI
Hey Pattie, it is Chastyty we met in the hospital over the weekend, I am glad to hear that you are doing good.  I have been o.k. still having some difficulties with the gas, but finally getting through it!  Don't get discouraged with your weight gain, think about, what could you have possibly ate that could have made you gain  It is all water weight and it will be gone in a few days.  I have not jumped on the scale yet, I think I am going to wait till next week.  I am very bloated still and have not been able to have a bowel movement. 

You are so right about the support, especially from people that are going through the same thing. 

Wishing you a fast recovery,
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