Friday is Marcia's surgery day
Hi everyone!
Just saw Marcia and she looks great and is getting around really well - doing lots of laps up that hall way.
Got to meet her husband and 3 of her children too :)
Unfortunately she didn't get much sleep last night but the meds were kicking in and she was gonna try and get a little rest in now. Tomorrow she starts the shakes and should come home on Monday.
Might try to get back there tomorrow.
Hey Susan!
Thanks for all the updates! I've been thinking of Marcia a lot but can't get up there to see her right now.
Please give her my love and support!
For Info about Rhode Island Support Groups, please email me! [email protected]
Just an update on Marcia. We became friends on OH before our surgery and we have been doing everything together except my surgery went ahead on Wednesday am and her's got pospond until Friday. She was in the next room over though once she got up to the 4th. We walked together all the time. She still has not been sleeping. She falls asleep for 10 minutes and then jerks awake and is up for an hour all night long. She is afraid she will be exhausted when she gets home. With 4 kids and a hubby I get tired just thinking of it! I was able to come home and curl up and rest with the dog! LOL! Her belly is very large and distended. The doctor said she was constipated from the narcotics she was taking. He is giving her something for it. She did start the shakes today and when I left this am she was tolerating them. We have met a girl from across the hall named Alicia who never has heard of OH and was having a really hard time of it (this site is SO important!). She is going home tomorrow and will definately be checking out the site, so watch for her.
Hi everyone.
Went by the hospital to see Marcia this afternoon and she was sound a sleep
so I didn't disturb her. I met her mom while I was there and we chatted for a bit, very nice women.
When we spoke yesterday she was wondering about meals to make for herself that the whole family could eat as well so Matt & I went by Borders and picked her up Eating Well After Weight Loss Surgery - I love that book and have enjoyed a lot of recipes from there.
Marcia's mom had said she was having trouble with the shakes as mentioned in the above post. She did like the pre-made CIB so her hubby was looking to find some more. We all know the feeling of trying to find one we like & can tolerate. Hopefully she will be coming home tomorrow and can get some rest. Her husband is taking some vacation time to help her out with the kids and we all enjoy the comfort of our own beds without someone wanting to take our blood pressure every hour.
Have a good night, I'm off to play on the Wii
Went by the hospital to see Marcia this afternoon and she was sound a sleep

When we spoke yesterday she was wondering about meals to make for herself that the whole family could eat as well so Matt & I went by Borders and picked her up Eating Well After Weight Loss Surgery - I love that book and have enjoyed a lot of recipes from there.
Marcia's mom had said she was having trouble with the shakes as mentioned in the above post. She did like the pre-made CIB so her hubby was looking to find some more. We all know the feeling of trying to find one we like & can tolerate. Hopefully she will be coming home tomorrow and can get some rest. Her husband is taking some vacation time to help her out with the kids and we all enjoy the comfort of our own beds without someone wanting to take our blood pressure every hour.
Have a good night, I'm off to play on the Wii