psych didn't clear me
Okay, so you may hate what I have to say...
Maybe you ARE physically ready for the surgery and you ARE psyched about having it and have jumped through a lot of hoops but....
perhaps the psych people see something that you're NOT seeing?
This is a great time to step back, take a breath and re-evaluate what's going on with you.
I don't know your history and I'm surely not a doc or psych specialist but I DO know that sometimes a person really ISN'T ready psychologically to have WLS.
Is it possible to be so upset that it makes it impossible to see the whole picture?
If you do decide to try another psych person your insurance recommends, be aware that person will, most likely, request all previous psych records from Dr. Messier and Dr. Ragheb as well. It's part of putting together the whole puzzle. Whether Dr. Ragheb was part of the WLS process or not, Dr. Ragheb is still part of your psych history. And that counts here.
Not everyone who 'fails' the psych portion should be approved. And in turn, not everyone who 'passes' the psych portion should be approved either. In some cases it's just luck-of-the-draw. In most cases, it is what it is. Therefore, those people have to jump through more hoops so they can, truly, handle the emotional effects of WLS.
Dr. G. is an extremely excellent, caring surgeon. Above and beyond anything, she wants what is BEST for the patient. Could she do the surgery anyway? Sure, but if there is the least bit of doubt whether or not a patient can emotionally, psychologically handle the post-op years, that puts the patient at risk of failure and/or harm!
If I could offer some advice, it would be to follow what ever Dr. Messier recommends (if nothing else, to prove you ARE compliant). And stick with Dr. G.
If you go looking for another surgeon and/or counselor, they're going to find out you were already on this journey and probably end up refusing to do the surgery.
I think your best chance of having the surgery, sooner than later, is to stick with who you have now.
Best of luck!
BTW, there's a meeting at Roger Williams tonight 6-7:30pm.
Hope to see you there!
For Info about Rhode Island Support Groups, please email me! [email protected]

Includes 47.5 lbs. lost during 7 month pre-op period
I totally agree with what you have to say about the whole situation and I would gladly stay with Dr
Messier and/or do whatever she required me to do in order to accomplish what I have set out to
do, which is to have the WLS. But, Dr. Messier has not returned any of my phone calls,( I have
tried every day since Dr G called me and told me I was not cleared). I stated in my message that
I would like to know why I was not cleared and I wish she had told me back in November of 2008
so I could have been working on whatever the problem was to fix it and could she please call
me so we/ I could figure out what to do. Still, like I said she has not returned none of my calls,I
don't know about anyone else but,I don't think that is very professional,
first you tell someone she has a few problems and when
she calls and wants to know what they are and how she can fix them, she ignores you..
Anyway, I understand what you are saying about changing doctors and all that, so thank you for
for that. Its just so many things like Dr Ragheb and I just didn't and he only had afternoon apt
which I couldn't do because of my daughter, therefore I didn't show., so there are many other
factors that no one will put into the whole equation.. I would have gladly had seen Dr Messier if
I had known
Your words are wise and thank you.

Includes 47.5 lbs. lost during 7 month pre-op period
Good luck to you!
You know, I have done all that was required of me INCLUDING THE PSYCH EVALUATIONS., and I do understand the not everyone gets passed the first time around and they need to work on stuff, which, I am will to do, but like I said before Dr. Messier won't return my calls to let me know what is going on.
Also, I thought that once you were a patient at the Bay side Medical Building and left, you couldn't go back. When I was seeing Dr. Ragheb I really didn't care for him, he and I just didn't click and he only had afternoon appointments which I couldn't do, so I asked if I could switch doctors...they told me no.
So now what, if these psychs are the only ones that they deal with what am I suppose to do? Is this Dr. Zimmerman in charge of everyone or just a select few.
Thanks, much appreciated
i finally got to the point, and i asked them why they keep asking me the same questions over and over again... my answers are not going to change.. i guess i was on to them seeing i have taken a psycological test when i was a they were kinda similar...( a step ahead of them)
i then met with the big wig psych and she told me i was a good candidate for the surgery....who knew my life in question was a pass or fail thing???
what i really want to say is, on my way to that appointment i was nervous as hell..i kept thinking maybe i should just tell them what they want to hear so i can pass....
as soon as i got there and sat down, the girl said to me,"not everyone passes this part " and i thought to myself, really??? r u kidding me? we are starting off like this???
but i had made the promise to honest and do this for all the right reasons or it's not going to work in the long run.and i will only have myself to blame.
i have had issues in the past, as most of us do...and i dealt with them. some will always be a part of me i cant rid, but they dont affect my everyday living.
i cannot comment on dr g... only met with her once and that was at the seminar, but i am sure she is only looking out for your best interest.
please be patient...good things come with time.... dont give up!! find out what you can do to rectify this... good luck!!!!!!!!
I started my psych eval with a younger guy and the first things he said were "Keep your answers simple and we will be out of here within 45 min or less." that was it.
I answered the questions to the best of my recollection ,like you said we all have a past and ya we grow up some things stay with us and some go but they will always be there.