Can someone recomend a therapist?
on 5/22/09 10:57 am - Kingston, RI
on 5/22/09 10:57 am - Kingston, RI
Try Julie Hassett she's in the Meadows across from walmart, and she also works out of her home. 401-295-8880. Good luck!
Does your insurance specifically say that you need to see a therapist for behavior modification?? Check with them first - they may just require an eating program that is physician supervised (PCP or nut) This is when you would go once per month and keep a journal of what you are eating. Changing the way you eat is considered behavior modification and does not necessarily require a therapist, unless your insurance specifically states that it does.
No, it doesn't specifically say therapist. At first, I was going to have my PCP write in her letter that Ive joined an online support group(OH) and a local support group. I just wanted to have all my bases covered, so thats why Im looking for a therapist. Even if they didnt specifically say it, I would like to talk to one on a regular basis, just to I can figure out WHY Im eating.
Thank you everyone for taking the time to answer. I appreciate the help.
I checked Aetna's website so I do have a very large list of therapists, social workers, psychologist, and psychiatrists that accepts my insurance. I was just looking for a recommendation of a good therapist who has experience with WLS patients.
I checked Aetna's website so I do have a very large list of therapists, social workers, psychologist, and psychiatrists that accepts my insurance. I was just looking for a recommendation of a good therapist who has experience with WLS patients.
<3 Kayleigh