Moving Forward.....

Liza G.
on 5/6/09 10:50 pm - Cranston, RI
Thank you to everyone that responded to my rantings and ravings yesterday. As you can imagine, it was a very tough & emotional day for me.

I spoke to my PC doc last night and basically the long story short is this: Surgery is on hold until we can get my thyroid levels where they need to be. This could honestly take anywhere from 6 week to 6 months if not more depending on how long it takes to find the right dosage of meds for me. 

I am moving ahead, doing what I need to do. I have already had another round of bloodwork done and I am picking up my first round of meds today to try. 6 weeks from now I will do new bloodwork and see what the new meds show. If they don't do it, he will need to increase the dosage, and then I will again need to wait 6 weeks to take new bloodwork to check the levels. This will go on as long as it takes to get my TSH under 5. So you see how it could potentially take 6 months or more to get this all figured out.

In the meantime, I have decided to use this time as a continued learning experience. It's AMAZING how much I have learned in getting ready for this surgery as far as healthy eating, the importance of protein, the effect carbs has on us, etc. I have lost 7lbs in the last week just on the pre-op diet alone, and I don't plan to give that up. While I won't continue on only 600 calories a day now, I do plan to continue eating more healthy with smaller portions and see if I can make a difference in my weight "the old fashioned way" while I wait for this to all be straightened out. And who knows? By the time I am ready to reschedule, maybe I will have lost so much weight that I won't need the surgery anymore  Wishful thinking I know, but I am and will always be a glass 1/2 full kind of gal!

Again, thank you for everyone's support and I hope that I can still participate on this board even with my WLS future so uncertain right now! I love everyone I have met and I would hate to lose you guys as part of my life!!!


Our future is what we make it. We have to work our own magic to make our life spectacular" - Teresa White

Cathy Dumont
on 5/6/09 11:21 pm - Cumberland, RI

Liza..Im so glad to see youre feeling a bit better about things.  You're such a positive person and give everyone here on OH alot of support and we love you too.  We would NEVER ever want to see you leave us here on or no surgery I dont think that matters a bit! 
I'm also glad that youre getting a handle on the thyroid meds and blood levels.  Im praying that it will only take 6 weeks!!!  Keep us up to date and let us know whats happening with your blood work and your plans.

on 5/6/09 11:26 pm - RI

i am sorry to hear you are having some issues stand in the way, but hopefully it's just temporary. dont give up on continuing to lose will get there....
i will keep rooting for ya!!!!    go liza ...go!!!!!!!!

i am here if u need to vent along with the others....
take care


"The only thing I have to LOSE is weight,
after that I have everything to GAIN....."

starting weight =272
pre op =256 
surgery date = 240



on 5/7/09 8:57 am - RI

I can definitely empathize with the potential wait you have on your hands.  I got my August 3rd surgery day on April 2nd.  I have a four month weight due to my surgeon's maternity leave.  During this time, I am getting whatever bad habits I can addressed -- being diligent about the water consumption, cutting my Diet Pepsi consumption WAY back, journaling every day, and eating protein first.

I can't help but wonder what the affect will be on your weight in getting your TSH under control.  Hopefully, between that and simply eating smaller and healthier portions, as you describe, you will see a benefit.  I thoroughly endorse your attempt to make this delay a continuation of your learning experience.  For me, I'm looking at it as in depth due diligence -- approaching things with my eyes very wide open.

Hope you'll continue to hang out here with us, and keep us posted on your progress.

Includes 47.5 lbs. lost during 7 month pre-op period
Julie Nolan
on 5/7/09 3:02 pm - RI

Hi Lady Liza!

Once again you come out like a beautiful rose! No matter how many spiney thorns are around you, you still look and smell lovely!

You're so positive! I can only wish you all the best! You deserve the best there is to be given!

We are here for you thick and thin, literally!

Call me any any any time!

See you at the Living Life meeting on the 20th, right?

Love ya!



For Info about Rhode Island Support Groups, please email me!  [email protected]

on 5/7/09 8:37 pm - RI

wishing you a happy day!!!!!   keep smiling!!!! 

take good care


"The only thing I have to LOSE is weight,
after that I have everything to GAIN....."

starting weight =272
pre op =256 
surgery date = 240



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