Ok so things didn't go exactly as planned.
For health reasons I can't have the Gastric Bypass RNY, at first I was very dissapointed but Dr. Sax being the wondeful man that he is gave me another option. He offered me a VSG- Vertical Sleeve. I have been researching this procedure and it seems to be a very good option for me so that is what I am going to do. Unfortunately the insurance companies don't like to pay for this one but Dr. Sax is going to fight it and hopefully we will win. Apparently there is a greater chance of regain but I believe that you get out of it only what you put in so I know that I will be able to maintain the weight once it is off.
If I am granted this chance for the surgery option there is no way that I will ever go back to this obesity. I am very determined and where there's a will there's a way. So I'm not giving up yet, I'm gonna get to that Loser's bench sooner or later. Thanks for listening to me.
Hugs, Tiff
If I am granted this chance for the surgery option there is no way that I will ever go back to this obesity. I am very determined and where there's a will there's a way. So I'm not giving up yet, I'm gonna get to that Loser's bench sooner or later. Thanks for listening to me.
Hugs, Tiff
Tiffany - So sorry that things are not working out the way you had hoped, but good for you that you are pushing on and still following what you want! Fingers crossed for you that the insurance covers this!! 

Our future is what we make it. We have to work our own magic to make our life spectacular" - Teresa White
Tiffany, I am sure you will do very well. Dr. Sax sounds like a very knowledgable man. I have heard alot of great things about him. The VSG is just a tool in weightloss. It really is up to you. And you sound pretty determined and confident. You will have much success with a positive attitude. Good luck to you and keep us posted! Eldy
Tiffany ~ Hello. You and my brother are in the same boat. Dr. Sax and his staff have been doing the battle for him, so far 2 rounds down. We'll see how round 3 goes, maybe it'll be the charm. Hope you get your chance as I know how much WLS has improved my health. Will think good thoughts for you.
~ Sandy
~ Sandy