This stinks!!!
I'm sorry, but there is no sugar coating this anymore. This liquid diet totally stinks!!! It's only Day #3 and I am absolutely miserable!!! I'm sure it's not helping that I am also not having any caffeine (in prep for after surgery) and the withdrawals are kicking in pretty bad. Between the two and I am definitely not a happy camper. I almost ripped my husband's head off last night and I just may send the kids into therapy if I'm not careful! Hopefully it won't be as bad as the days go on, but this totally stinks right now!
OK, I am done whining now........

OK, I am done whining now........

Our future is what we make it. We have to work our own magic to make our life spectacular" - Teresa White
Liza, what shakes are you using? If you're using the ones from the surgeons office, theydo "stink". I can't stomach them. I have a suggestion for you. Go to Target, get the Body Fortress protein powder. If you get the chocolate, do this... put 6 oz of water in a blender, add 1 scoop of protein powder, 2 tsps of unsweetened cocoa powder, and some ice cubes. Blend it up good. It tastes much much better than the other. Its like a smoothy. Has 26g of protein in each shake ( so you only need 3 of them post- op to get the 60g required). The protein powder is only 14.29. Let me know how you like it. I still use it today to get a boost of protein. Good luck, Liza! I'm rooting for you!!! Eldy
I'm not using the one's from the doc's office. I'm actually using all different kinds since I bought a bunch of samples to try different ones. The truth is, I don't mind the shakes. The ones I've had are all really good. The problem is that I am HUNGRY.
When I saw my NUT she said that she saw no reason why someone couldn't have a piece of fruit twice a day with the breakfast and lunch shakes. I haven't been doing this but I think I might start to get some actual FOOD in me during the day. I am going to grab an apple now and she if it helps.
What did everyone else do who did the 2 week liquids? All liquids? Some foods? Fruit?
When I saw my NUT she said that she saw no reason why someone couldn't have a piece of fruit twice a day with the breakfast and lunch shakes. I haven't been doing this but I think I might start to get some actual FOOD in me during the day. I am going to grab an apple now and she if it helps.
What did everyone else do who did the 2 week liquids? All liquids? Some foods? Fruit?
Our future is what we make it. We have to work our own magic to make our life spectacular" - Teresa White
hi Liza, you are supposed to have a small meal once a day "like" a lean cuisine. I always made my own meal. I don't like lean cuisines. I also had a banana in my shake once a day ( cuz I was on a water pill and needed the potassium). So make sure you are eating 3oz of protein ( lean meat/chicken/fish) and vegetables for your meal. I hope that helps! Eldy
Hi Liza,
When I had to do it I had a lot of trouble. I was supposed to have 3 shakes and a ww meal. I made it through the day fine but could never make it at night. I always ended up having more. I didn't beat myself up though cuz I tried the best I could and if I could be on liquids I wouldn't need the surgery. I only lost 7lbs in the 2 weeks but he did the surgery and everything went well. So don't beat yourself up too much and do the best you can. That's what is important. Oh, and I gave up caffeine too and it sucked, but I made it through and now I feel great and don't think about it at all! Good luck!
When I had to do it I had a lot of trouble. I was supposed to have 3 shakes and a ww meal. I made it through the day fine but could never make it at night. I always ended up having more. I didn't beat myself up though cuz I tried the best I could and if I could be on liquids I wouldn't need the surgery. I only lost 7lbs in the 2 weeks but he did the surgery and everything went well. So don't beat yourself up too much and do the best you can. That's what is important. Oh, and I gave up caffeine too and it sucked, but I made it through and now I feel great and don't think about it at all! Good luck!
Hang in there "Keep your eyes on the prize" I did (3) low carb slim fast shakes (one for each meal) and a ww meal with a side salad for supper. I think the slim fast shakes helped to curb hunger so that helped me. Everyone is differant but this is what worked for me and I lost 17 lbs. since my pre admission visit. I'm cheering you on and I know you will get through this
Hang in there "Keep your eyes on the prize" I did (3) low carb slim fast shakes (one for each meal) and a ww meal with a side salad for supper. I think the slim fast shakes helped to curb hunger so that helped me. Everyone is differant but this is what worked for me and I lost 17 lbs. since my pre admission visit. I'm cheering you on and I know you will get through this
